Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Christmas Guide 2014

Well now, it's about time for Christmas and it's almost about one thousand views in my blogg, which I'm thankful for past thanksgiving. With that, also comes games that have been released and a prices go down to sucker parents to buy shovel-were. This is where the buyers guide comes in, unless it recommends another Sonic game. You're better off playing the lotto when it comes with sonic, since Sega started off as a rival to Nintendo since the creator was kicked out from their casino.

Super Smash Bros for Wii U
      For anyone who a BIG fan of Sakuri's party fighting game, this is the game for you. While the 3DS version is an ok single player experience, I personally do NOT see why anyone would go back to that port of the game. However, the Ethernet battles add replayiblity, especially when all of your friends are distant from one another. While this game may have it useless modes, it's not as pointless as the modes found in the 3DS version. And as this will be the last smash bros game Sakuri will be working on, this COULD be the last good game of the franchise, Ala Mario Party, as the games after the forth installment became mediocre. I recommend getting this over the 3DS port since Mewtwo is the only DLC character. Should have used the DLC cost idea from Skullgirls, Sakuri. Better than ripping off Angry Birds, I will tell you that...

Shadows of Maldor
     This game is Sandbox game of the year for a good reason: it ups Assassin's Creed games very easily with it worked-in Arkham fighting system. Also when the player falls by one of the monsters in the game, time passes as the monsters actually get promoted, making the game fairly harder. Whenever the gamer is a fan of the Lord of the rings books/movies or not, this game is  a nice experience. Later on, they can branded to force the creatures on the player's side, so the game gets very tactical in the middle of the game. The player can work up sleeper agents to take over and take out the line of commands within their own system. While some parts of the game can be repetitive, I recommend this game, but for PC users on steam, make sure your system can run the game.

Pokemon X/Y OR Pokemon AlphaRuby/OmegaSaphire 
   Pokemon Remakes can be either a hit or miss. For example FireRed/LeafGreen ended up a disappointing remake, as while it did fix the glitches in the gameplay and adds balances, it is disappointing in the end as its added unwanted difficulty as some Pokemon where nerfed thanks to the special status. Meanwhile Pokemon Soul Silver and Heart Gold is the best remakes as it adds the last gen Pokemon plus the ones in current,and keeps the huge after game proton of the past. Where dose Alpha Ruby and Omega Saphire stand? In between the two games, of course. While it doesn't change some of it's past problems, it adds elements from X and Y with Mega-Evolutions with new ones as well. It may not be as an awesome remake as HG/SS, but if the player has already got Pokemon X/Y, get this game. However, there are some disappointing elements like no more red head in the game. Sadness...

Shovel Knight
     For those hardcore players who didn't get enough hard gameplays of the past, this Inde-delight is the game for you. It mixes up elements from past games like Mega-man, Zelda 2, and Ducktales puts them into this tittle. But even without the nostalgia, this game can be great for those who need that platforming itch. It dose abandon the annoying and dated life system and instead stabs shovel knight right in the wallet with a Dark Souls like system, where the players have to get their money back when they die. While it can be frustrating at points, this is a game for hardcore players. The cgame is also available for every system, so pick their poison.

The Nintendo Wii U
     Yes, it's been two years sine the game system has been released and since some of the games have been sliced to 30 bucks, including the wonderful 101, now is the perfect time to buy a Wii U. There's also games for the system now unlike the Xbone games which ended up being disappointing. If you're too poor to buy the bundle, anyone can buy a refurbished Wii U for only two hundred dollars, saving around one hundred dollars so you can buy the accessories and perhaps two thirty dollar games. And since the Wii U is backward-compatible with Wii games, The choice is never been better....

Aliens Issolation
    While Colonial Marines ended up to be one of the worst games ever behind other bad games, this game decided to wipe the slate clean by making it close to Amneisa than an actual shooting stupid game. Thanks to Creative Assembly who also remade Strider and Killer Instinct, this game is a horror hit. While the game is horribly padded with ice breakers within the story like bioschock, it is a experience that both  the gamer fans and the horror fans both been itching for from the series. Available for most system platforms.

Well, those are my recommendations, however, I personally know that I probably missed something along the lines of Xbone and the Playstation 4. Some of the games are just simple reports of hit games like Sleeping Dogs or the last of us. And for the last time, do not get Sonic Boom! You would be the worst parent of all time. There are tons of reviewers AND critics that has panned the game:

-- Brutal Moose
-- Nintendo Fan FTW
-- Projared
--  SomeCalledMeJohnny

Excuse me while I blacklist the annoying deviant-Art fan-boys...

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Binding of Isaac: Rebirth; Sequel and Remake

Before reading, note that The binding of Isaac, as well as it's reboot Rebirth, is a game based on one of the developer's traumatic experience within his cathloc family. This game was made to be dark! Those who are easily offended by graphic imagery or parody of christian characters,  this game is not for those people. Also, I personally couldn't get into the first game because of how random the game can be sometimes. The original game has the same issue of Dark Souls, where you cannot play the game blind. On to the review....

The game starts as Isaac and her mother are having a normal day, as his mother watches christian television. One day, she believes that god called upon her and tells her that her son has fallen to evil. Isaac's mother then locks him into his room and removes him from his items ...and clothes. Ew. Then "God" ask for Isaac's mother to sacrifice him to prove to hhim her faith. It's implied that Isaac's mother has gone insane after Isaac's father's "death" as she wanted a daughter instead of a son. The problem with light, is not that it's holy, but it also blinds with pride.

The game has gone though it's changes and balances, which can be both good and bad to classic Isaac fans. For one, they decided to change the graphics to more of a Pixel Game-boy Advance graphics over it's hand-drawn animation. However, they including improvements which includes controller support, which is actually very smooth and works well for those who are playing the port on the PlayStation Network.  That's right, the game is also ported to both the PlayStation 4 and the PS-Vita, so Rebirth is now multi-platform. However, it would have benefited if the game was also on the 3DS and Wii U, but Nintendo's limits prevent good games from being ported sometimes. Mortal Kombat, anyone?

Another change that will disappoint the fans is that the original music artist didn't compose the music within Rebirth. While the new music is fitting, the original music from Danny, the original game's inde music developer, had charm on it's own merits. The problem is that the fans will have to adjust to the change, therefor, it might turn the original fans off while getting new fans because of the changes. Personally, the changes actually brings me to the game, thanks to the smoother controls.

One of the biggest changes is the difficulty has been adjusted greatly, as bosses have gotten a boost but the opening part of the game has a better starting curve. There is also new items, sixteen ending over the original 12 plus endings, and co-op that actually adds challenge as it subtracts health as your partner dies with only one heart. There are bigger and new rooms for the players to explore and more hidden rooms as well. However, the game is still not optimized very well as it still runs on windows mode. While it dose stretch to any size, the zoom dose seem like a lazy way to optimize the game.

However, if anyone has skipped the first game, this game is for them. While there has been some changes within the game, they are not too jarring for anyone to dislike the game. And while it is around fifteen dollars, it feels like it benefits the game as it pays for the improvements made twords the game in higher quality! In the end, I personally reccomend the game, as it improves the original formula to new highs. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to pray to the random number so I can get the right items in the end of my run!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A Machine for Pigs: That's no game!

And now a game that I was dreading that I have to review for the month of Halloween. And yes, I do mean Amnesia: a Machine for pigs, but I had to cut Amnesia out of fear of the infection of spreading, as this occurrence did happen to Silent Hill, just the original developers WEREN'T around for the so-called sequel. The developers for the game where the same ones that made the "Walking Simulator" Dear Ester, But that will be explained later.

The player stars as Oswald, the wealthy industrialist and explorer, , He awake in the room with Amnesia, which is a running thing with the Amnesia series, and receives  a call from someone who informs him that a machine that he helped build is sabotaged and is risk of exploding, that would risk his twin sons' life. On the way to fix the machine, you find Man-pigs (or pigmen? OR MAN-BEAR-PIGS!?) beings which chase after him.

However, while it dose have the Amnesia name, the game itself is more of a visual novel than an actual game, even though the player can mess with the dressing at times. Oswald tends to get pushed down a hallway more than exploring, which was the same problem with Dear Ester. While the puzzles have been watered down as well as the sanity effects, the sanity effects are used to at least try to cover  the look of the menpigs, which are sadly copy-and-pasted all over the place. The pigmen loose their credibility, or CREEPiblity, in this case, and becomes less creepy as time moves on.

If the game would have been called A Machine For Pigs as it's main tittle just with the note on the box-art "Made by the developers of Dear Ester!" then the game would have done well for itself. The story, while it dose have it's issue shoehorning bits of Amnesia like The Room shoehorned bits of Silent Hill, is actually very creepy in it's own right. However, the company wanted to make a sequel to the game, but they couldn't  get the original developers, as they moved on from the company.

Sadly, the game missed it's mark, as many fans and critics bashed the game for not being a true amnesia sequel. This caused a huge back-lash as The Chinese Room attacked back, giving the company bad repetation within the gaming community. While people do see some people will defend the game, it STILL dose not make it a game, as there is no replay value and feels like a paid for a custom story. Speaking of custom story, this game dose not have a custom story mode.

Sadly, I personally do not recommend this game. If anyone want to get the game on a sale, they are free to buy the game. Is it an Amnesia game? No, but it's a interesting interactive story on it's own.  The game is easier to complete, but the name betrays itself, as it could never reach it's expectation caused by it's hype. In the end, the game should have been it's own thing...Instead, it's just a thing.

With this review, this ends Horror game mouth. Thanks twords those who read my reviews. I do have a one thousand view special in mind, so please continue to read on. For those wondering about my Youtube, it's on hiatus until later as there are too many factors holding me back from family issues to moving to another town to build my own home. I hope to evolve Beastly Bash and even renaming it as the name is also currently used by Halloween party group. Until then....

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Amnesia: The Dark Decent

Horror games used to be an ignored franchise since the Xbox 360 launched, because during the time, shooters like Halo, and Call of Duty over-shadowed horror while gamers new to the gaming industry doesn't know what true horror is in games anymore. Back then in the PlayStation era, gamers where flooded with games Like Silent Hill, Resident Evil,  and other horror games. While there was some horror themed games, action has always been the main focus, whenever it's a shooter, brawler, or even to plat-formers...somehow...

This brings us to Amnesia: The Dark Decent. From the same makers of penumbra. While it might not be the game that helped pushed horror back upon the market, it was the final push that helped Amnesia to be one of the most loved horror games of all time. This game is all over youtube and helped many youtubers find their first start as lets players for better or for worst. Dispute being an old PC game, it still holds up to the test of time.

The player starts as Danial , a Amnesia stricken protagonist (who is found either bleeding or leaking potion all over the place) then finds a letter from himself to kill a man name Alexander, the cause of all the troubles within the manor he's stuck in. While trying to uncover the past, Danial runs into horrible monsters as well as horrible torture machines, hinting that Daniel gone too deep within the story as he question his own roll within the game.

The gameplay itself is what makes the game, however, it first all started with the same gameplay as penumbra but with improvements, like removing the annoying combat mechanics with the awkward controls. While a game without combat could sound like a nightmare to call of duty fans, this helps magnify the horror within the game. While the player could stall the monsters by trowing chairs and objects, they cannot be killed upright. The only way is to run and hide, to prevent from getting killed from the beast within the game.

While other games handles sanity as an on-and-off effect, Sanity doesn't exactly tie into the health, but rather make Daniel's sight and hearing, which goes crazy as it shrinks lower. When your sanity drops, Daniel goes crazy and falls to the floor, preventing him from temporally moving. To prevent this, the player must stay in the light to raise the sanity back up, but this can lead to situations where the player is spotted by the monster. Thus, the player must choose his play-style carefully...

However, this game dose have it's hiccups. For one, it is EASY to get lost within the game. While some items are easy to find, there is no real map within the game. While it was intentional for online guides and walkthoughs, it's padding in the worst possible way. Sanity also gets annoying later on as it can lead into deaths feeling cheap.

The best part about Amnesia is the mods! There are literally hundred of thousands of mods for Amnesia as much as their is mods for the original Doom games. Some range from silly and sad stories to creepy and horrifying experiences. Some of the mods change the game and even lead up into other games like most mods in Garry's Mod for Steam...for both better and worst.

Overall, I recommend Amnesia, while not as anyone's first horror game, but as a game that everyone needs to at least play once as a good experience to horror. However, I cannot recommend to play this blind as it can lead into frustration. That and the reactions on youtube is always hilarious.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Eternal Darkness: Gotta slay them all?

This time for a horror game review, we're focusing on a GameCube gem that was successful unlike it's kick-starter sequel since the company in question fell from grace after Microsoft bought Silicon Knights. To be fair, like Rare-ware, they chose to be bought for the money sake, though they did embrace the dark side of game development. However, this game will always be their crowning achievement in life, as well as the Metal Gear Solid remake.

The player starts off as Alex, the last-in-the-line of the Roivas family line who's grand-father was murdered within his manor. While investigating, she comes upon the tomb of eternal darkness, a book inspired by the Evil Dead series. The book holds the stories by those who has ran into the darkness, including the main antagonist, where the player can choose which dark god they can face. Think reverse Pokemon meets horror , except you can choose your rival's Pokemon and only four elements. This actually add repeatability, but it can be a completion nightmare as they have to replay the game three times to get the true ending.

In the game, There are four main demonic gods known as The Ancients, specializing in different ways to torture the human race: Ulyaoth is the magic user jellyfish, Xel'lotath is the brains that drains the human's sanity with his lean arms, Chattur'gha the strong crab-like deity who crush humans with crushing force, and last and sadly least, Mantorok, a chaos entity who was rendered useless thanks to Augustus raiding his temple. The story becomes an epic as the player lives and die as the characters within the story as Alex learn from those who face the Eternal Darkness.

While the interface can be somewhat hard to learn but easy to master, the game could have explained itself much better, as most of the gameplay is learning from trail-and-error. While you don't need everything to beat the game, it is required since it makes the game easier. However, there is a hidden forth element based on the one fallen god within the story and if the player is not aware, it can easily be missed. In this game, it is recommended to replay just when figuring out everything

The icing of the cake, in this game, is the ever present sanity effects. And good lord, there are a lot of them within the game. When your character sees a monster, depending on one of the characters' condition, their sanity drains and they start losing their minds. Some of the sanity effect are creative, as some come as game bugs, oddities like loosing a head and then quoting Shapshere, to even forth-wall breaking as the game fakes deleting your saves! This game shattered the forth-wall as hilariously and creepily as it can get.

However, it dose have an annoyance: once the character looses all sanity, his OR her health starts to drain, meaning you will have to use spells (or items) to heal your sanity back up enough to see them all or just plan ignore the sanity effects by filling up the sanity meter all the way or even use cheats to keep the sanity in a certain spot. Not only that, but some of the effects often repeat themselfs, making it hard to see all the unique sanity effects in the game. It's very sad to see the sanity effects working agents themselves, often fighting for the screen.

Despite the flaws of the game, if anyone would love to enjoy a horror game without the annoying tank controls within past games like Resident Evil, this game is for that person. While it may not be anyone's game, anyone with experience with horror games will love this game. Even if it means emulating the game on your PC with HD graphic, it's an gripping experience for it's time. Just don't blame me when your computer gets possessed or you start having odd nightmares. Now excuse me as I take the pope to Best-Buy...

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Pineview Drive : Creepy Disappointment

Well, hello one and all, as the mouth of Halloween is upon us. And everyone knows what that means: SMASH BROS. And since I did my Smash Bros 3DS early, It's time to do some special Halloween reviews on horror theme games. One of the games on the chopping block is Pineview Drive, where one "play as a troubled man is standing at its gates, looking over the property. 20 years ago he had visited this estate with his wife Linda. During their stay his beloved vanished without a trace – her mysterious disappearance unresolved." And that's about it on the story...

From the start, the game dose show some promises as the player roams from room to room as the day quickly turns into night, where the majority of the game takes place. The only way to progress is to look for keys to open the next room while looking for more plot that is scattered about while facing many scary things such as, but not limited to, killer creepy clowns, a scarecrow, and a creepy ghost lady that might be after you for revenge.

The fun part is when the player roams within the dark, looking for batteries (which comes very often) for a flashlight, matches for candles for later on in the game. As the game quickly give and take away comfort within the home, as sudden changes occur within the house with either guide or scare the player as he or she explores the mason. As soon as anyone expect, creepy things like doors disappearing and reappearing will catch one off guard with...jump-scares....

However, this is where the game falls apart, as some of the jump-scares become predictable at times and are even required to continue within the game. While they are somewhat scary, it's wears out very quickly to the point of annoyance. Another issue is that the game's map is so big that most of the days are padded. It would have helped IF they would at least either provided a map within the game itself or if the house was smaller so getting lost would not be an issue.

Also, the sanity bar should have been shoved aside, as it is a useless indicator of your character's sanity as there is no real fail state within the game. It becomes a literal walking simulator that you often see within steam. It's easy to miss a scare because you get distracted looking for keys because of how too subtle it is...

But the worst offense of the game is it's ending, as the game just ends with more questions more than the proper answers.The thing about a good horror game is that there's a method to the madness that is occurring within a good storyline. For example, Silent Hill had a mad cult who made a personal hell trying to make a god, resident evil had an evil corporation, and amnesia has a man old men hungry for power.  Here, it just gives you the item in question...and fades to black. No real answers; Just questions and theories.

While this game has a nice, admirable start, the game then trips and flops into an average horror game with no real consequence, yet no real ending.   It works for a real good scare, but afterwards, there's no real replayiblity for the game is nonexistent.  If  anyone would like to look at it, feel happy to apply, but Steam Sales are the best time for fun times.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Super Smash Bros. (3DS)

While this game hasn't hit the Americas just yet, it is currently out in Japan and everyone who has an imported Nintendo 3ds has able to play the game. So much for patience, since Nintendo like to over-hype their games sometimes. However, I personally do like smash bros. as this game help introduce people into characters that no one met before -- It what helped Fire Emblem be ported to the US. Sad that Earthbound only got a VC release.

But back on the subject. The 3DS version of the game is like Super smash bros. Melee+, or at least the fan hacks that has came over the years. At least the fans can be more creative than Sakurai sometimes since he tends to put random character like a roulette from hell. Whoever, he dose find a way for them to fit in, unlike Capcom and their fighting franchise of today. There was some issue with the roster that they should have a clone for Olimar so there would be some room for at least one new character, but I think that's where the DLC comes in. Anyone knows Mario Golf: world tour knows that Nintendo is resorted to putting character behind a pay-wall to get extra dosh.

Unlocking the characters are getting predictable as Smash Bros. has always been. to unlock hidden characters. For example, playing the game's Classic Mode as that character to fight the clone or another character that has been in the same series. Or one can play the casual way for twelve hundred times just to unlock normally like a normal caffeinated child who has trouble getting dates since he look like the local pizza boy has got pay by laid. The roster itself is a "take it or leave it" situation as some characters will be liked or hated in the end.

However, there's a new mode that was inspired by Kirby Air Ride, of all things, where one and a few other local players can play around in an open field collecting power-ups so the players can use it for the next event that is coming up just to race it up or trow it down. However, the mode itself is, as I mentioned, LOCAL MULTIPLAYER, meaning that players cannot play this mode online. Sakuri, I am very disappointed, I know the wifi-mode can be laggy sometimes that the frame-rate drops, but the fan base is one thing that shouldn't be ruffled with. I know you rather trow yourself into a buss, but life is worth living! As least the serious players can finally get separated by the silly players now...

The stages themselves are nice as their are now different final destinations, which is great for the serious players, but that's the majority of most of the stages however. Sounds like more DLC could be placed here. That sounds like that contradicts with one of Nintendo's old statements. but the worst stage offender is Sonic's, as it is nothing but a copy-and-paste job from Brawl's data files. Not even new music has been added to the stage. I hope they at least change the stage in the Wii U port, as I have a feeling about that situation. However, the stages are still a nice known staple for Smash bros. as returning from past games. I understand that changes to those stages wouldn't be welcome. Just add at lest some new music, unlike Sonic's stage.

In the end, Super Smash Bros. 3ds is as simple and fun as it's name. While it is a good game, it's mostly there to buy time for Nintendo to develop the game for the Wii U. While there is connection abilities with the Wii U and 3DS port, we don't know if that will benefit the players as must as the figurines, which is both for kids and the creepy fat fan-base. This is WHY I dislike Skylanders, as they're just there for anyone's money dispute their boosts! Plus, what will the Wii U version hold besides different stages and modes? Only time will tell.

...Which the fan-base has none...

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Games that jumped the shark

I was going to make a review on one of these games, however, I realized that there are A LOT of games that have made their characters (or series, in that matter) do certain things that they won't knowingly do and feel out-of-character. Listing them all would take too long, I will point out the most common games that jumped the shark. Please note -- not all of the games listed are garbage, its just the game could either been different or better as it's own Independent property, or IP for short...

Spyro Reboot Game

 Now before I get marked as a traitor by Sally "Kit" Ballard, Krome studios WAS once a part of EA and after they made their game Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, the guys saw how good it was and decided they should reboot the Spyro series. While it did attract some newcomers, it alienated the old fans away from the series. In fact, I think this is why they usually get crap from review sites because of their past like Double Helix, but in need of more help. They are more comfortably  doing their own thing, which is why they formed their own indie-studios. I have a feeling I'll be chewed out by both an angry nekomimi and an angry dragon man. My life in-a-nutshell...

Resident Evil 4

As I said, not all games are bad. But! Once the game sold well, this set a standard that would damage Capcom's repetition as well as they protrusive "exclusiveness" within the other counsels.  The problem comes that they decided to go more action than horror and the series suffered for it. While four was good, it had out-of-character moment in the middle of the game where Leon became yet another Sonic clone. It didn't help that they copied and pasted it for five, which was "MEH" at best if  played with a friend, but six was a complete disaster! Companies like Capcom are a shell of their former self, as they even abandoned their own mascot! Sad..


Let's face it, This game should have been a NEW IP. This property was made as a failed prototype to Resident Evil, which showed how crazy and stupid the developers are at times. The original was hard for its own reason that it had to be nerfed in the port within the United States. The reboot was ugly on purpose to fit with the common hipsters of today times which should be tossed straight into an oncoming bus. While there are fans of the new-gen Dante, it killed off any change of a sequel and proves how reboots can be a bad thing if used incorrectly. I honestly rather play Metal Gear Rising. I'm sorry...But I am not a fan of either games. While I do love fast-action games, this series is not for me.

Metroid: Fusion

While Other M should have been never M'ed, we must remember that the game series first jumped the shark when Samus show some emotions in Metroid Fusion. While it did bring new elements within the series, it did bring up Samus' past where she left her adopted planet to join the military. For one, this lead into Other M's story ark which caused the Prime Trilogy to become non-cannon. As a fan of the series, it made me distrust Nintendo with it's property. Secant, it tore the fan-base apart like the internet dose 24/7. Samus was trained to control those emotions by her adopted parents, as they where bird alien warriors  who rival the monks on earth. Plus, she meet Riley thousands of times. Why should she fear him?! Idiots...

I would list more, but this list would be endless. Metal Gear Solid 2, Bionic Comando, and the other of many games which just want to do the crazy things just to grab someone's attention but doing it at the worst way imaginable. It's like cos-playing as Hitler while at a Jewish wedding. While it dose grab someone's attention, all that ends up getting is a angry mob, angry war vets, and annoying questions only getting even more questions. We can only hope the developers get their heads out of their asses or out from each others' asses before someone make a human centipede!

...And yes, I don't know how to end my topics as well. Don't hate me Yatzee, because I'm merely using Jon Tron's method of entertainment....

Saturday, August 2, 2014

[[Spoilers]] Explaning OFF; Inde RPG storyline with HORROR plot-twists [[Spoilers]]

Off topic: You, the viewers,  ave to excuse me, as I have been off for many reasons: One, my birthday is currently this mouth and I'm unprepared; two, the shenanigans caused by the gaming industry has caused me to be stressed as I already "Bashed" about how crazy the industry is; And finally, I had writer's block for the past few days on both this blog and my inde-game that I am trying to wright. I have traced some of the characters, got the idea for the story, but things have went crazy trying to get my life back together again.

Anyways, This is a game about Off, an inde-game inspired by many things which is not limited but also includes The RPG system of Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy, the design from the Dream sequence of magacent from Mother 1 and 2, as well as the old world news papers of the past, and a story plot as the demented Suda51 would wright before his own inner perversions consumed him from the insides --oh, no offense.

The story starts innocently enough --The player starts the game in control of The Batter, as he was called upon the character and cat named The Judge to help tame the random specters that has appeared within the lands. Talk about an Alice in Wonderland tall tale as everyone goes down the rabbit hole, as the game constantly breaks the forth wall, mentioning The player as he continues the path. As the player continues within the story, The batter convinces him OR her to defeat the guardians as he suspects the specters where summoned because of them...

However, along the journey, the player involved would question The Batter, as the player notices odd events and particular things about The Batter. For one, the land that the batter "purifies" become deprived of it colors and stronger creatures roams the lands when the spectures  have been removed from the lands. The other, the Batter himself would been seen as a unwanted but not in the normal protagonist way. NPCs would notice that he wouldn't make any noise was he walks, that his behavior patterns are beyond  that of the normal characters.

In the end, the player's right for having such speculations. In the end, the Batter went after the Queen who runs the entire world. The quest wasn't easy, as the game ITSELF broke apart because of the Batter's quest for purification. Apparently, purification took a different meaning within the game. It wasn't about saving the land, but rather to clear the land of all it's residents. The motive remained unclear until later.  After defeating the Queen, it is revealed that she is his wife. And then the baby that the player sees when they defeat a guardian.

This is where the true evil reveals himself: The batter himself! After he defeats the Queen, the cold-hearted being forces the player to fight the baby, who is both harmless and defenseless character in the game. This game wants the player to feel as they have blood in their hands, as they relies that everything that they know, or knew, was wrong. Just before The Batter flips the switch, The judge runs in stop the batter, becoming the real protagonist in the end.

This is where the final decision of the player will make within the game: either the Batter's ending, which is the official ending of the game, or the judge's ending, with is considered the special ending of the game.  When you select The Judge's ending, you see him as he truely is - A specture that would even harm and kill his kind just to finish his task. And before anyone says, I'm aware of the "true ending" of the game. HOWEVER, that was a joke ending referencing the UFO endings in Silent Hill. Therefore,  that ending is non-cannon...that, or the apes are evil! Yea another anime reference !?

However, this is where the metaphores comes in, as the true meaning of the game comes in place. While the place is one of sprites, it's not really the afterlife as people may suspect, as the world is literally a world of industry! Where the world of graphic design, technology, and the whole place resembles the working world...It's because it is.

 This game is actually based on  "the world is a smart-phone" Theory, which is listed below. The judge represent the good, as a smart-phone can be used for cat photos to bring happiness, the LOL-ness of the internet,  fun apps and games that represent the good parts of the world. However, There are always the ups and downs, as the Batter represents the evils in  world, as corporations run a muck just to earn a buck, the murder and brutalities that happens with and without reasons, and the all-around badness that happens.

However, There's an issue with this theory. For one, the world is truly a cell-phone, then it would quickly be out-dated as much as the south. As mush as smart as it is, it sounds just as flat as the Roman theory that the world is flat.  The thing is as much as Humanity sketch plans are usually in 2D. The world and the rest of their ideas are in the third dimensions. While there is power, realistically, everyone is human as everyone make errors. There's a reason it's considered a theory because France is sometimes scared to think outside the box. After all, while things can be called evil, the world will always be in grey. It's up for both white and black to clear up the evil that is stupidity...

Back to the game, it IS still an experience. Whenever it's a good or bad is based on the player himself and whenever he chose to do the right thing or just give up on making the right move because the move is considered non-cannon. That, and see how that he or she sees that they cannot truly control the game as they where hoping to. However, if they did like the official ending, I would personally  like to question them...IN COURT!

Oh here's the short version of the theory:

Good Reasons:
1. Internet and World Wide Web
2. Individual Based Content
3. Search sites
4. Innovation
5. Cell Phones

Bad Reasons:
1. Corporations
2. Inequity
3. World Hunger
4. Inequality in the Workplace
5. Honor Killings

Heh, I didn't say it was a GOOD theory, but oh well....

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Learn From Nintendo, People.

Now before the anti-hype train comes crashing down on this blog, I am aware of some of the issues from this years E3. There where some games that suffered from frame-rate issues, some games that we where hoping to be playable weren't,  EA just posting the same game again and again, into our faces, and Sonic is just as mediocre as ever, now just as bad as Nickelodeon shovel-wear! However, there was some actually good. Games had more fun and humor in their trailers, Xbone finally had some games, Sony is Sony, and Nintendo streamed their games and got secant part support for their games.

In fact, Nintendo, like it or not, is actually the most humane of the companies at E3. While even I must admit that their steams where a bit annoying since the hands-on people where more for Public Relations (PR)  than actual game-play, they where light-hearted and understood most of their issues and even made fun of themselves with silliness like Adult-Swim's toy-mations from Robot chicken. It's good that companies listen to their fan-base.

However, not all companies learn from the experiences that companies like Nintendo. While they do play Nintendo games just to figure out how to make their own games like Sega, they don't learn the ethics that Nintendo fallows. For example, Nintendo dose have issues like their automated copyright strikes, but these aren't exactly for money, more of deference of their licences. Sega, On the other hand, did strikes on Shining Force, causing damages upon many Youtube channels. They did apologize and reopen some channels, but many other channels had to start all over again because of these copyright attacks. This is why many companies end up being boycotted by channels like Polaris...

In fact, Sega has been really messing up to the point they are looking twords Nintendo again to save them like in the Gamecube era. From the cartoon shovel-wear tie-in Sonic Boom and the awesome Bayonetta 2, package with the first game with extra content. It's nice that they help Sega live-On somewhat, but even they have Tea-time with the company about their issues. While there are people that will defend Sonic Boom, their first-look at E3 did now revive hope as many critics point out. While the new Aliens horror game is an awesome way to bring horror back to the main-stream, they still need help work-wise.

Nintendo has always been the seen as the good-old grandpa within the gaming industry which saved the game industry multiple times, especially from the game crash in the 1980's because of crappy shovel-wear within the industry. While they have done bad in the past as well, they at least made a gaming counsel instead of a PC-like social-bait system like Xbox-One or the Playstation 4. Companies had to sell their IPs, like the recent Capcom, because they have no clue what to do with them besides making DLCs which is costing them a fortune. Creators to even developers like Mega-man's founder, the creator of Metroidvania, or a Sonic Adventure left the company because they feel that they couldn't do anything about, nor for, their companies and either retire or make new companies.

Have any of their companies learned from their mistakes within the gaming industry? The answer to that question would be both yes AND no. Yes, because companies like Nintendo and somewhat of Sega has started to port games to other counties, removing DRM to a majority of their games like Gears of Gaming opposing on Steam, the annoying part, trying to be like steam and allow sales on their servers, which anyone's smart better off on No because the Bold-face lies companies give to both gamers and employees, DRM still existing on some games, shovel-wear copy-cats of popular games done poorly, Reagan-locks and uninspired 4chan'd ports of game which remove past game references with bad dubbing and censors, and the fat-cat greed of the company just wanting to just make profit instead of making everyone happy.

All and all, E3 did shine on a new source of hope, which could be either true or false within the end of the development hell of the game's life-time. Life is about learning from both mistakes and failures and this applies to EVERYTHING. Now excuse me as I draw on passed-out critics and business people's faces and run laughing down the hallway. Tee hee...

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tomogachi Life: Nintendo's Fanfic Game

There is a major withdraw within the Simulation genre, as game series like Animal Crossing and The Sims have became more about how one slaves the player into their own personal debts. While they are often used to answer the question "How is it like on the other side?"  or "How dose being a god is like?" Sadly, they tend to be a quick cash grab so they could start their company like the creators of Goat Simulator, or to remind you that THE SIMS still exist under a company that is a shell of their former self.

Then there is Tomogachi life: a game that is not about the player, but about the Miis that live upon an island.  This game helps brings one thing that the Miis lacked after all these years - Their own personality and their own will. One can import any Mii from the Mii maker onto the island as they do their own thing.  The game is more of a small game experience instead of an over-whelming slave simulator.

 The selling points for Tomogachi life is that ANYONE can be in the game from celebrities to even your friends, neighbors, and even the creepy-looking people that you run into within street-pass, if granted. The thing is that the player can only INFLUENCE the characters but cannot control the character hands-on. The experience is more kin to keeping an eye on the Miis, feeding them food, giving clothes, and watching all the randomness occur. Thankfully, the game is NOT as demanding as most sim games, meaning you can leave the game alone for a long time and not be punish by the angry neighbors or town people.

But the problem with the game is that Tomogachi Life feels like an expensive application with little content as this game is a full priced tittle.  This may not seem to be an issue, however, it depends if people will buy it or not. This game is a "miles-will-vary" type of  Free-flowing simulation app, meaning there is only a few things to do and so little control. While the game can have it's own random shenanigans, the key word is random as in random numbers, as some events tend to repeat itself more than once.  The game can be boring at time, even if it is easy to pick up and put down. Bringing new Miis could help bring new life to the island, however, the results still remains the same.

However, the most frustrating part of the game is trying to help Miis married. Dear lord, the mini-game for that event is too luck based. I know luck can play a key part in a relationship, but NOT to this extreme! You have to tap his or her toughs are on the person's mind, but the mind is so jumpy, it's like trying to get you attention of a child who's diet is coffee and sweet treats! I know ones mind could be racing and spinning on some key moments of a person's life, but setting it up like a classic Mario Party mini-game is just unforgiving. The system is there just for the Miis can own their own home and can generate new Mii children. It can be offensive to some people, so I can understand the frustration.

If anyone had an issue with Animal Crossing but want a game that is easy to get into or get out of, this is a game for them.  However, it depends if a thirty five dollar application will hold anyone off. While it did hold me over personally for a time, the flaws of this game can be seen by almost anyone.  While some people can value of this game, it can wear-out very quickly. I recommend having a friend give you the trail version before picking up the game... Or just barrow it....Or just keep away... yes...

Battle Block Theater: Good use of recycled assets from Newgrounds

For those who where unlucky or lucky to watch my friend's Let's play of Castle Crashers as past-me with a bad PC Microphone, I do have to apologist as my past-me who is a troll-full idiot. I cannot harm him but yet he can harm me as he leave me mental scars as well as the physical scars on my body. The game suffered lags, disconnects, color contrast issues which makes players confused on who they are, and all around better on the xbox since most of the Steam port was Copy-&-Paste laziness. I just couldn't recommend the game on PC for anyone.

Now onward twords their new game Battle Block Theater. I am reviewing the steam version since it's the easiest version to get your hands one since the Xbox is dead and has a Steam-Workshop Community. The game has more replay-ability as you can make your own head decal or even make your own Level-sets  and share them within the steam network.  I originally got it to help with my friend's let's play, but since he prefers to have a younger cat to help him, I can't help but to feel like to bring out my old friendly machete out for a walk.

Where was I? Oh yes, the story. You where out with Mr. Hatty having a party when he and his friends on is ship which then became shipwrecked on an isle of cats. Hatty was then catnapped and was forced to wear an evil top-hat, which forced him to enslave the players as they are forced to entertain cats by running though platform-based levels. While playing, the player(s) get to over-hear the witty narrator, who's remained unnamed though-out the wacky adventure,  as he babbles as one progress though the game.

The biggest issue with the game is that it runs ENTIRELY in flash, an out-dated service that even Adobe has abandoned for the past few years. The reason for this is cost efficiency since Newground's creators have been working with this for years. The problem is Flash is uncompressed, meaning even with good specs, it can have performance issues and sometimes lags. Also, if anyone with a low connection tends to lag behind. I only had that issue once since I recently moved, but once the modem was changed, no problems.

As I mentioned in the tittle, the game straight out reuse assets from their older flash cartoons and games, which isn't too bad in some way, but it makes the game feel cheap in the audio areas of the game, as the music gets repetitive to make you chew your own friend's ears off just to save them from the pain. If you played Castle Crashers, you also get free cameo gears from the game. This is good, but it's also a cheap way to advertise Castle Crashers, as they give you Hatty  if you own both games. Even if I warn players not to get it, they tend to be lead like fatty wales to the slaughter.

However, this is a better game than Castle Crashers. The servers are better optimized, meaning if everyone's connections is fine, then the game should run well if Flash doesn't have it's random moments. Co-op is Co-optional, as you can even finish the game Solo and jump in or out at any time within a game.  While some community levels are better with a buddy, most can be completed by single player. Weapons can be utilized to help or hurt your co-op players, help "tame" the feral cats, and even reach areas that cannot be normally obtained.

IS it worth completing 100%? Only for achievements, maybe. Weapons have to be bought with yarn collected from levels, but after you get the last weapons, there's not real need to collect the last bits of yarn. They are needed to get A++, but they do collect up after awhile. The Gems, on the other hands, are used to buy new character designs and there are a lot of them. While they are nice to collect, they come randomly, so once you fine the one liked prisoner character, it feels like a completionist nightmare. Now you know how the Sonic fan base feels.

Still, Battle block Theater is a good game. Is it worth murdering your ex-friends? Maybe not, but it's something to talk about within the nut-house since it's one of those water cooler games. Different experiences, different ways to solve a problem, and many other hints on how to kill your friends, intentional or not. Now excuse me, my ride is here...

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Mario Kart 8

Nintendo has managed to pull up to secant place thanks to the advantage created by Mario Kart 8, making over one million within it's first release week to the point in the United Kingdom to make a BEAST of a sale. Yea, yea, The joke wrights itself as they sold around 666%. Looks like the church is working over-time, trying to purify the UK. Good luck with that. Anyways, how dose Mario  Kart 8 hold up to the rest of the series? Let's find out!

The major feature of the game is the new driving mechanics. You can drive up walls with the new anti-gravity sections in the race tracks. This can be used to reach short-cuts and boost panels in certain places. This is an interesting mechanic which is felt very underutilized. They did balance the gameplay for multi-player, but some of the changes takes time to adjust to. The biggest thing is that you cannot hold your item out to grab another item. It's fair within online gameplay, but it feels cheap within single player, as it's hard to actually defend yourself in situations.

However, the strongest part of Mario Kart 8 is it's online as it has been refined for the best multiplayer experience for the Wii U. They also added a service called Mario Kart TV, which saves footage of your races and saves them so they can be uploaded upon youtube. However, it lacks an editing feature, causing limited creativity to their owner. While Riding Dirty Luigi gives everyone the death stare it a strong new internet meme, it would be nice if it was in better quality. Plus lets face it, it's there mostly so Nintendo can put their ads to earn revenue. That's just dirty, Nintendo...

However, the worst change within the game has to be the drastic change within battle mode -- while you can take the battle to all the raceways and online, they REMOVED ALL of the classic battle maps that we know and loved. While some can get use to the change within this mode, most are disappointing to the point that they had to go back into Mario Kart 7 for the better tracks and battle mode. Compared to Mario Kart 7, Mario Kart 8 is disappointing because of the selection of access within the game. That and some parts of the game is incomplete. That means one thing: incoming download content..or is it Disk-Locked content? A reason I boycott Capcom products from my reviews.

The reason for the sale is because of how good the market is within the United Kingdom as the selection of free games for the Wii U. The US market is suffering because of it's economy issues because how bad corporate companies like to milk money out of good people to the point they would run for government jobs. We know what you're doing, COMCAST. That's just dirty.

Would I recommend Mario Kart 8 as it is? Sadly, not now. I would wait until they give us a better offer of free games like they did with the UK, or better yet, a complete pack with all the DLC characters. It's nice to see Nintendo getting it's wind in its sails, but when they have to get us with dishonesty as the so called "good guys" of the industry , stick with Mario Kart 7. And for god sake, switch to decaff...

Monday, May 26, 2014

Blade Kitten, Where no Nikomimi has gone before!

Now it may seem odd that I review a Inde-game that has already been out on the Xbox live and PlayStation Network that was just released on the crazy, game network service, Steam. But, I have my reasons.

One of the reason is that games need female protagonist, as while there are some that fit the bill for a good female protagonist, most are over-sexulized like the recent Samus Aran as some Emo, blond girl, or the Jail-bait Lara Croft. While Ms. Ballard dose have some craziness behind her, she doesn't over-stay her welcome unlike the annoying girls in games like JRPGS. I think EVERYONE know who I'm talking about.

Another reason is because kenekomimis are often displayed as barbaric races, nomads, and even monsters without civilizations, but even Nomads have rules and obligations unlike in the "civilization" game. While there are often seen as thefts and trouble makers, that doesn't mean they cannot be civil. I personally think they could make great therapist, as they are literal humanoids with the understandings of whats around them. In short, they can be civil.

But now to the game itself...

The game starts as Kit, as in not the fox on youtube, Ballard lands on the Lizard people after a bounty but then gets ambushed by a blond woman named Justice who bombs her ship and steals her Breaker Key. "Well, and I though Aki was a pain" I said as she pours hot coffee on my crotch! Anyways, the human armies then attack as she fights though the waves of the reds to find and claim her bounty, finding that things aren't as they seem as a dark truth from her past reemerge.

Sadly, lets start with the flaws in the game. While many complain the controls, I got used to them on my secant play-though and figured out what to do. However, I had to learn them the hard way by playing since, even I was playing on the 360 controller, the game still displayed the button huds instead of the common button prompts seen in even other inde games.While playing though with the upgrades, the game can be easy, but without them, the game can be frustrating without them. Also, I had cheap deaths because the red-raciest decided to play cat-pinata since getting stunt lock between a horde of enemies as the Cam decided to zoom too close in.

However. on replaying the game. that's when I memorized the path and locations of enemies within the game and also found hidden goodies.That when it hits me: that's the Earthworm Jim kind of Action-platformer that I liked as a kid. The type of liner Metroid-vinia these days that even the developers lost within time. The game  not hard as BloodRyane: Betrayal, as nuts as they went with the platforming and bird sections of the game. However, a hard game doesn't always equal a good experience, as games like Dark Souls isn't as hard once one knows what they're doing.

Sadly, The game series suffers the same issues that Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness and the Skull-Girls, where the company would either abandon the game or hold the wrights away from their owners.  This is still a good game, but the flaws caused from the past developers not giving a damn and only focusing on milking the franchise is what holds it back from it's greatness. This is why they had to cancel their episodic gaming idea to a bigger game as a sequel into 3D.

But besides it's flaws, experiences can be what it all relies on. In the end, I had a fun time with the game. What  make the game good is that the developers put a lot of love within the game. From the cell-shaded characters, the witty humor, well designed world, and the story plot, the game can be a pleasant experience.  It would be better than a game made about me, a kenikommimi off to save his kin within a city based off Saints Row 2 and Spider-man 2...

Wait, why AREN'T I developing the game? Oh yea, the dark age of gaming is upon us. Never-mind...

Friday, May 23, 2014

Batman: Arkam Origins **spoilers**

I was planning to skip this review, but I was called out by Youtuber Chuggaconroy, as he wanted to know if he should get this game as he trusted my advice. As people pointed out to get Sonic Colors over Sonic Lost World and Okami Wii to HD because of the controls, I have to say get Arkham City over Arkam Origins since Origins is a complete mess.

I should enplane this reasoning after all. While the gameplay dose look promising, like Sonic Lost World, its only fun to watch and is a painful experience. And while the official clips my seem promising, the gameplay felt on rails as the tester lead the way. When played on hands, some of the mechanics are the same, but the gameplay is so buggy, game breaking glitches pledge the game like rats in a time where black cats where though to be a bad thing like Beta testers.  Whats worse is they refused to fix most of these issues because they couldn't of poor excuses.

Arkham Origins takes place after year one, where Batman is starting to build his repetition as a vigilante. Black Mask, the criminal overlord who runs in Gotham, breaks outs and sends mercenaries to capture and kill Batman. The disappointing part of the story was how the Joker was implemented as the bait and switch plot-line within the game because it felt like the story writers wanted to make up with the lame mercenaries. While they did hype the battle with Death-Stroke, it's the most annoying fight in the game and comes way too fast within the story line. While the fight with Slade seems awesome, playing the part of the game is harshly annoying.

Speaking of gameplay, the multiplayer mode was added on because why not. Warner Brothers noticed how shooters like modern warfare and call of duty and though to cash-in to that kind of demographic. While to some the multiplayer  is fun to some, it feels out-of-place. While there is a third team where you can play as Batman and Robin, they seem to only pick-off rookies while professional players pick them off easy. While the Wii U version is cheaper because it's multiplayer has been removed, the Wii U isn't know for add-ons, as developers refuse to give add-ons for the system.

As a big Batman fan, This game comes at a disappointment. Even though Heart of Ice's retelling as Cold, Cold Heart, as good as the story is, is better as a movie than a game. If anyone is tempted to buy the game because of the add-on, it's only about an hour and a half long, including the collectibles. Besides Sonic Lost World and, the most disappointing game of 2013,  Dead Rising 3, Origins is only fun to watch.

To summarize: Wait until Arkam Knight, or if you cannot wait, check  The Assault on Arkham and Son of Batman since these movies will cure your Batman rash. Could not recommend this game this game on normal conditions because looks cannot make a game alone. Looks like Nintendo was right all along.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze! (bbrrrrr...)

Before I start with the review two things:

One; Sorry if i was away for so long as my computer needed to be tweaked as I accidentally downloaded a bad file and I had to get my computer fix. Saddly, it DID NOT fix my driver issue that I been having so far. I will post a comparison picture from my laptop and my PC. I am working on getting back on my LPs, but I have to use my laptop for my counsel games. It will be annoying since I like to manage everything in one place, but it can't be helped.

Two; Easter! but honestly...Before I can move on to the review, I have to state one thing: I found Donkey Kong Country Returns disappointing. One of the reasons is because of it's god-awful 2d controls. Since the game forces you to use the wii remote like a painful version of the NES controller, you would probably use the third-party controller or get the 3D edition on the 3DS. However, I found the monsters dull and the final boss disappointing. I can't help to feel bored twords the monsters in the game. If SOMEONE want to try the game, at least try the 3DS version.

Tropical Freeze starts as  DK, Cranky, Diddy and Dixie Kong are waiting as it's Donkey Kong's Birthday and DK is ready to blow out the cake. However! A cold freezing breeze blew by, as a single snowflake flew into DK's hut. The Kongs, curious of whats happening, look outside only to see they are being invaded by the Snowmads. While they are simplistic as best, they are a nice throwback to DKC2 as it is the best in the original series on the SNES. Going back on the subject, the Snowmad King gets his horn and literally (as in wind, you dirty minded people) blew the Kongs away and freeze DK island. Its up to DK and company to get back on DK island and defeat the Snowmads.

The game-play works as you expected to those who played the last game, or games. However, I do miss the different bonus levels from the classic series, as the bonus levels are just copy-and-paste, but are required to complete 100% to...collect art...At least the music unlocks are great, as THE DAVID WISE returns to compose for the music in the game. We miss you, Wise.

Anyways, Diddy can hover and turn snowmads to lifes, Scrooge --I mean-- Cranky can jump on spiky platforms and snowmads as he can turn them into coins, Dixie can be used as a double-jump, and the most broken part of the game, turn snowmads into plus hearts. It also doesn't help that, thanks to the bonus games and the bananas, lifes are very pointless in the game. While the game dose have tricky parts, Lifes are given like candies  for a game that is hard as a Mega-Man game. I say that because if one knows what to do, the game isn't hard at all. It's why most games are removing lifes, like the recent Rayman games. Lifes in gaming are pointless padding unless if the game is very challenging.

However, the game is still better than the last game as the game controls and design isn't as awful, as you can use ANY of the game controls and use two controls based on DKCR and the classic DKC series. However, I would recommend playing on the Pro controller, at it is MUCH MORE COMFORTABLE  by a long mile from the gamepad or the damn wii remote from hell. However, find a personal play-style that fits well, or else sore palms will be within the future.  Also, the gamepad is disabled for TV play, so looks like Nintendo is learning SOMEWHAT about their mistakes. Not all, sadly...

Dispite how short the game is, Tropical freeze at last finally scratch my platforming itch. Finally, yet another good Wii U game. While Nintendo are ruling the portable market, at least they are trying to rule the counsel market...but then again, PC is the dominating monster, so best fro them to rethink their strategy.  Should have invented vision goggles like everyone else. Then again, there's a reason that failed in the 90's...

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

About the Beast!

That's right, ladies and lady-like figures. It's one of those filler episodes since my move is actually delayed until post of this is up, so I have to use my time wisely as my connection will be down for some time until I move upon to my new apartment that has it's own office. Hopefully, things won't end like in the sapran---

... Sorry I was Advised not to finished that line since that is a dead joke.

Anyways, I was one of those "90's Kids" who lived in the peace erra, while the fights where mostly at home, at least we still had the towers and a flag to please the allegiance twords. Of course, that couldn't last because corporate is fueled by blood, sweat, and tears or the laborers whenever they're American or not.  This is why I don't like going decorative shopping and just use hand-me-downs.

But let's digress back to the life story.

Because of the wars on earth, my family has decided to leave to move up to the space colony Ark. After the space creatures that have been wiped after so many Sonic's ass games, Sega sold the space colony so they could work out a diet plan for Robotnik. From what I heard, he has finally lost around twenty ponds. Anyways, bonded wasn't a fun thing since everyone's a dick fighting for the same ass of action.

During my time on The Ark, I did meet as much friend as I made enemies.  One of them was my first love who was in The Hunter's Guild. And by the Trinity, she was like an angel in the time of need.
Sad that she's no longer with me, but at least that part of my life was probably one of the sexiest as well. I guess this is where I get my liking twords those kind of women.

Anyways, That's when I went on a space-trip to study in graphical technical studies. Then the unexpected happen: I became a Dark Soul. As eery as it is, It was also hard to adjust to as well. While thankfully, I still have part of my human side as I love food.  However, I do need Soul stones to stay alive. Those stones sadly wear down like batteries when they are being over-used. It's just how things are for a time being.

For those who are still lost within their mind about me, let me summarize in this one paragraph. A Mimi-man who is living in a space colony who has been there, done that within the universe that is ugly as an alcoholic mother within a lonesome bar in a mickle bay film. In case one's still lost, think Yatzee if he was born in America. If all else fails, I don't know what I could do to enplane besides your average beast guy trying to live within the human world.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I been mentioning this game since I been talking about Free-to-play games and how this game is doing the Free-to-play business model fairly, so it would be wise to do a full review on this game. While the hype for the game did die down due to the balance issue with the plasma weapons, I still come back to this game to see how the game fairs after a certain amount of time.

As the name implies, the strongest part of the game is that you can make and customize your own weapons while making necessary changes while leveling up helps to buy skills or new parts. What makes this the strongest part of the game is that one cannot buy power in the game; only cosmetics. While you can earn weapons in TeamFortess 2, you can become ANY class without restrictions depending on your weapon's build.

The game has the hilarious cartoon style more in TOONed (sorry for the pun) to the nicktoons' style instead of the Pixar style seen in Team-Fortress 2. When players get shot on different part of the body, parts of the body break off in a comedic, gory fashion that will make the evil part of anyone laugh. While the character design is very voyager.

At least they aren't as sexist as most shooters, with the girl's skin exposed and have a chess the size of bowling balls. Has anyone of these developers seen a normal woman before? but back on the topic, make sure the settings are set because there is nudity that would even make a professional porn star jealous.  When they said "this game has balls,"  they really mean it. Be warned if that sets you off,  as you can always turn the underwear options on. Very ew.

Sadly, this game has balancing issues. As stated, the plasma weapons are unbalanced to the point that the bots in the Humans Vs. Bots mode will even make a saint screech at the top of his lungs. Might as well get the glow sticks because of the blue lazier-light show -- of death! While the human players are ok, professional players will be your nightmare if you have a lot of Call of Duty fan-boys on your side, as they suck on their pacifiers.  I would have gave them gameboys and pokemon so their nostalgia isn't as bad as today's children games. 

Another small issue is that there's only a small handful of modes, which can scare off the majority of the "gamers" that might run across this game. And when I mean "handful," I mean only three. One is bounty mode, as the basic kill the other team and collect their bounty. If a team member is killed off, a player can deny a kill by collecting the bounty. First team to get the points, win. Meanwhile, the classic capture the point returns from other shooters, as well as the collectithon mining game which is the most annoying on of the bunch. Just hope the new modes come soon from the community.

If anyone is going to play this game, at least they should bring a few friends along for the ride. Right now, exploiting the plasma weapons would probably be a "legitimate strategy" until it is fixed, just don't judge me for recommending to cause more trouble. Level up by facing the Bots, have a battle plan like who will become a medic, sniper, and so on in the party. Just do not play alone, expecting to be a Rambo, or else someone will go -- blamo! -- with the head gone but the eyes and brains remaining...

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Shadow the Hedgehog

Sorry for the long delay, as I am currently moving for the sanity of me, after all, how "Merica" is sinking into itself into the sees-pool that it has made itself into since they never learned from infomercials that more money only leads into more problems. While, yes, people do adjust to the times, places don't. And its time that I leave the nest to perhaps into a even dirtier nest because people are complete trail mixes...full of raisins. And like some people, eating raisins is the equivalent to eating bits of rubber: It's garbage.

Anyways, Shadow the Hedgehog.:
It's basically a game where Sega has no idea what to make so they made a game where you can play as Sonic's rival, which is nothing like Sonic least. AS the title implies, you play the dark, Emo, and somehow, "Not a recolor" as he tries to regain his memories from after Sonic Adventure 2.

Really? Why dose he not just ask his friends like Sonic or his over-populated friends on his Facade-Book? Well, during the time, Sega asked the fans via poll, on Sega's website, who should get their fan game should be. And Shadow won. There's a reason most won't go onto official sites -- because of the fans that blow the odor into others faces. 

But back upon the game -- To get Shadow's memories back, you have to collect all the emeralds, no matter the cost of good, bad, or sanity that you may have left after playing the game. Why? Because how badly they couldn't make the game liner as the game should have.

The problem is how everything tried to be too open, but in the way that is annoying: Bad interface and a camera that wants to kill. And for pette sake, I DO NOT WANT TO FIND THE COMPUTER ROOM. Vector is the most annoying character to the point that he became a meme on the internet. Which is odd because I expected the bee, but very well. As the controls are made from the local ICE company, there was one cool concept of infinite ammo when enraged with chaos blast energy or chaos control energy. A concept that even Rambo: The Video Game failed to reach and grasp for.

The crime isn't that it's dark since it fits shadow's character but rather Emo-ish since he should have MANED UP since the events of Sonic Adventure 2 since even memory wipes cannot remove personal attitudes. However, the worst crime of all is the endings since the final one is cannon in the game. So all and all, the rest of the other endings are just pointless padding so Sega would add time for players to struggle to beat the copy-and-paste final bosses just to play Super Shadow to face one the awkwardest designed bosses in gaming.

To be fair, to both Sega and Shadow, is that they wanted to appease the murderous fan-base at a time where they are just recovering from their finical lost. That and the fan-base that has been ripped apart because of the 3D games. This is a game you should at least try to see how Sega failed. While the game is a total flop, at least it's not the color cancer that is Sonic heroes because the game has NOT aged too well.

 In my humble opinion, they should have made the game around the energy concept of the game. Sure, it would have been more like an Earthworm Jim game, but at least a bad-ass edgy version which everyone would kill for. At the time the game held great potential, but then we all remember that it's Sega, so never-mind. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Gaming Industry Need Cemo

I was going to move on to the next game review, but with how things how been going ugly, we have to chew though this subjects.

Caution: Longest Blogg Post yet!

Just recently, The gaming industry has been loosing A LOT of money: Nintendo lost TWENTY FIVE percent since of the year delay of good games for the Wii U; Microsoft lost a decent percent because off the Window's 8 Micro interface, the failed mobile systems, and Bing; and Sony lost A BILLON, but not only that, but around FIVE THOUSAND in the game industry.

Because how bad this generation of gaming, more jobs will be lost, especially since Irrational Games shut down because the main developer wanted to step away from shooters to work on more story-based games.  Sure, some of the developers will be hired by 2K, but everyone and their mother knows that some will be lost because the industry wants to cut down just to save money so they can use it to make games.

The problem is that there are cancerous things the industry that are causing everything within from slumping over. In short, the gaming industry needs chemotherapy.  Here are some ideas....

Free-To-Play games need balancing!
The Free-to-play can be a fun experience, but power can be bought to where the term "pay-to-win" where buying the items for real world cash can be unfair to players that either want to play for free or just try the game. I guess that should also keyed the term "free-to-try," especially when Warcraft has a level cap for the "free-to-play" parts of the game.

What makes things worst for FTP can either make or break a game. Team Fortress 2 was a big example as the balance of power was unfair, and when Super MNC switched to the system, they lost more than what it was worth. Power can either make or break, no matter whatever the situation.

The recent, best example of power-balance is Loadout, as you gain the points to make your custom weapons and the only thing you can buy is cosmetics -- costume and other appeal items. Here, the power is balanced without worrying about power can be bought and sold.

Think outside the box and make new I.P.s! Yea, sure some reboots or sequels are O.K. at best, but I personally feel that ideas like this is better left twords indie-developers. But some games like Metroid, Kirby, Silent Hill, and other licenses has been scared because the industry cannot grow up and go out of their comfort zone. No matter the excuse for some people, as they are trying to defend their persona, these games have ideas that they should be on their own.

The biggest example are the rebooted series, as they might look good to some people, they DO NOT sell as much as the original, and are considered to bastercize to the orignal fans, causing a war between the fan-base to fight between each other like the Sonic Fan-base. While sequels can wear themselfs out like Silent Hill and resident evil, some ideas from the series could have been something brand flipping new!

The main issue with this trend is that it is it's a waste of potential and to the gaming industry,
this will burn a lot of profit, a main reason companies have to downsize and leave people out of a job. Companies like Capcom, Nintendo, and Sega tends to make this mistake the most. They still fallow a business model that is outdated in the last few generations.

 They fear of leaving things behind, even if it hurts them financially. In the past, the gaming industry boomed withing the 90's as the gaming industry compete with each other, especially how Sega and Nintendo purposely started the counsel wars just to help bring the bucks home. Now, however, the world's economy has changed and people have grown in wisdom and intelligence in today's time. Sadly, they have to look ahead and move on.

Remaster, Remake, and Remix Wisely. While it's great that Double Dragon got a reboot, people have a responsible dislike to some reboots because sometimes. While reboots like Ducktales Remastered was OK at best, the game dose try too hard to marry both the game fans and the animation fans together. Many people who has not seen the show on Disney may feel awkward twords the Remastered game. If you don't want to burn out the "gamer" part of the fans, at least leave an option to auto-skip cut-seances instead of going into the pause.

Also, it's best not to add odd changes in games if it takes away from the original. An example of this would be Conker: Live & Reloaded, as it's just a remake of Conker: Bad Fur Day. While I do agree that the graphics  are nice for the time and that it stands the test of time, the game did have unnecessary censorship. Most notably is The Great Mighty Poo, as a singing poop monster is the most musical boss in gaming history. While he dose look nice, it's sad that most of his son is censored. But I do understand WHY change in some remakes are nice, but in Banjo-Kazooie and Tooie felt that they didn't make enough change. That, and requires N&B for the bonus material.

Speaking of Rare, The biggest example of a flop remake is the Halo game, as it dosn't hold up as much as the original PC and XBOX version. While the devs at Rare DID do as much as they could since most of the team moved on since the Mycrosoft buy-out; This was considered the biggest mistake Rareware has ever done as it threw them back for two generations. But back on subject -- this shows that remakes arn't everything MOST of the time, just SOME of the time.

Exspectations must be lowered! As games like Sleeping Dogs felt to be underrated because the developers want almost a billion in money from sales. While I don't agree with some games not getting enough sales, games like Sleeping dogs personally did well.  Another is the Wii U, as Nintendo was expecting to sell nine million while they only made three million during last year. This is part of the issue is similar with thinking outside the box, just more with sales.

The industry must accept to only received at least Twenty five to fifty of their normal expectation as this is the least dissapointment woudn't be as bad as it is today. Part of this is linked to the times, as the better the economy,  the better the business that could be executed. Right now, the world is not as people would want and need it to be. This doesn't just effect your country as it effect the world as a whole as well.

The only way for the industry to survive is to adjust to with the times, but the gaming industry and companies of foren places like Japan are suffering because they refuse to adjust because of just simple pride. Companies like Sega, Nintendo, Capcom, and others has been effected as well because how they the impacts of events like how the tsunami caused the delay of the Wii U's games as company damages prevented them from mass producing.  Things that happen outside do come back inside, as a cause will always have an effect.

Finally, Be nice to your fan-base, but ignore the trolls. They are the ones that spend the most of their time, money, and livelihood just to support the companies like Son Microsoft, uncle Sony, and great-grandpa Nintendo. They get hyped for upcoming games like Smash Bros., the next Halo, or even the next...Sony game. However, the hype train can be abused to bring in the "slaves" of the gaming industry.

The biggest criminal for abusing their fans have to be EA and Sega, as their current licenses like Dungeon Keeper and Most Sonic games can be abused. While Sega did get a few hits like Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations, the bombed Sonic with games like The Black Knight to even Sonic Lost World. While back to EA, They recently made Dungeon Kepper into a Pay-to-win game on the app-store. The heart and soul of Dungeon Keeper (and Original voice-actor)  is gone...Unless you bought War for the Overworld, which I recommend to back.

While there are Let's Plays of games on Youtube, Game reviews, parodies, and so forth, most of these are out of love for the game and are more involved with the experience of the player. Sadly, The industy sees them as a block to profit, especially if the game is, in fact terrible like Garry's incident. The party then issue copyright strikes and take-downs on the channel they dislike the most, causing censorship on issues. These people are the ones the industry should apologize, as some abuse them by taking revenue as free advertizement or just purely attacking their business. While copyright law is very gray, this is static at best and NO ONE can copyright this nature, as like rain drops heard outside, it belongs to everyone!

We can only hope things go well within the industry,  things seem to get worse later on the line. If The industry wants to prevent a crash, SOMEONE has to stand up like Nintendo did in the 80's. I believe that Inde-games could help bring the attention back to gaming, as games like Doom actually sparked the Shooting gen of games.  The problem is the main solution for gaming is not clear enough, but at least the industry has something to look for...


Thursday, February 6, 2014


In this economy, people cannot spend as they used to when that money has to go to other things such as family, pets, their girlfriend/boyfriend, hair, rent, water, and so much other needs and wants that can eat up one's lifetime. Because of this, the game industry has decided to run a new try system know as Free-to-play (FTP.) Which is an ironic term since only few can run the system fairly.

While it is good designed FTP games, there are games that are keyed "Pay-to-win" because of the total corporal ways to milk money from the players.

One way is Pay-walls, which force the player to buy the power they need just to move on to the next stage or to remove a cap that prevents players from moving on. Not only that it's unethical, this can sap a lot of money from anyone stupid enough to pay for this system. The most resent is EA's Dungeon Keeper App for iPhone and android. As you have to pay just for the jems to even minions, as getting new parts of your own dungeon. Another bad FTP game that fallows this evilness is Star Trek: Texels, because it fallows the same tactics. To sum it up, as Angry Joe puts it, Greed-over-game-play. (This is why I had no choice but to boycott EA and Capcom because how they premote bad practice)

The way to prevent this issue is to allow players to find or unlock power without leaving caps or pay-walls, nor timers. I did mention that in Phantasy Star Online 2 where you can find most your rares, but the most recent example is Payload, as you can get most clothes by dailies and winning matches to get points to help adjust and make weapons. Paying for the starter kit dose help pay the developers for the cost of their art and graphic design, but that seems to be optional thanks to how their FTP game is built.

Another issue is Area-lock, which only selected countries can play the game. The biggest example is DragonBall Online. One of the world's biggest animes in the world has an online game...Only for asia. However, they did allow an English patch later on as it bough tons of new fans. While it dose have it's "trolls," as most communities do, they can easily be hunted down with a huge Ban-hammer. That is not a huge issue. While, yes, some English patches can be discouraged, Some can actually be promoted and even help moderators find jobs! this is why the modding community is a major plus for the gaming industry, as we would never get games like Day Z nor The Stanly Parable...But that's for another topic.

Even though the solution for games like that seem to be third-party help-outs, that is not always the case. One example is Play-Asia, as they botched most of their online-ports. Their biggest flop has to be DC Universe online, as they took the best part of the game has been taunted by delays, bugs and glitches that weren't in the original port, and unneeded censors, even when sometimes it works. The sad thing is Japan and other foren companies are aware of this because they fallow their own rules, and because the industry is constantly changing in other countries, companies are taking economical and financial damages because they are refusing to adjust to the changes.

The last thing I have to say is that it's up to people to make the wise decision to what they play and what they spend their money for, but even that's a stretch since adults would even let children play on their tablets while not paying attention to the consequences. That brings up the news stories of how kids managed to spend thousands of dollars on Free-to-play games. That money could have been used for needs like clothing, food, supplies, or your needs like better games made from people who actually put their hearts into their games, instead of cloning from others heartlessly just to make a fast buck!

The gaming industry really needs a drastic surgery to clear and remove this cancer part of Free-to-play and burn off the fatty parts of the industry, or an industry crash will occur, as it seems to slowly creep among us. Luckily, I have managed to prepare with used games and food supplies because soon the soul-less casual gamers will roam and eat our brains. Good-luck on your end, because you'll need it.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Early Access and Kick-Starter

Well, this is a serious subject that recently came up by many critics: The pledge of Early Access that has came withing the last year. While that the games that features early access are cheaper and are less risky as most donation sites like Paypal with, or without, Kick-Starter, the games aren't exactly complete, has ton of bugs, and on rare occasions, been abandoned by the developers.

Part of it is the confusion between what goes on within these systems.

While there are games that where successful on kick-starters like Skull-Girls and River City: Underground, Games like Garry's Incident are a big example of it's failure. When the developers couldn't get enough money, they tried to make the game on their small budget, and they failed. It was one of last year's worst games. They did try to claim the videos and even written false reviews, in bad English, as well.

A misnomer is that some people believe once they give their amount to the developers though donations, they have a small amount of control.  Well, wake up: If one takes control away from the developers, that would only complicate things because they cannot have creative control. It's getting to the point where people should at least make their own games, not just to plagiarize the game by making into something else. Not all games can have a customization as Saints Row, the WWE games, or like most avatar games, because it's egotistic. It shows that no one has faith twords the developers to make their own game. What an issue.

What both donation systems have issues with is that both require you to gamble and trust on the developers. While there are good developers with unique projects, there are some that are just trying to cash in on the certain fad.

 For example, Wolf Among us help spawned the Werewolf games last year. While the Fable's spin-off is an awesome storytelling game, others werewolf games are knock-offs like modern movie spin-offs. While some are very average, Guise of the Wolf is terrible because they wanted to fallow a trend than just make a good game. The game is full of bugs, has terrible programing, dosn't give any hints of the mechanics, and is a horrible game all-around...

So all and all, The gaming industry is a huge gamble. Even the same old plans from the past cannot help, even though it did work in the past. If  there is one hint that I would have to give is know what one is getting into. Getting information of the devs is a major, as the past often reflect on their performance.  If they're an inde dev, it all depend on how things look and how people talk about the project. In the most of all, wait until the game is released and wait for the critics and reviews get their hands upon the games and then work it out from there.

Until then, roll that hot pair of dice! Daddy needs a new pair of shoes!~

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Anodyne (PC)

I WAS going to review another game that I had in mind, but I was suddenly gifted a review copy of Anodyne and though "why not?" So instead of a game that everyone has heard on, might as well review a game inspired my the Zelda series, but remarkably, mixed the dark storytelling of the silent hill series before silent hill sold their soul to the devil that is commercialism. So Shadow The Hedgehog might as well relax until I finish bashing the hell out of this game-- metaphorically, after all.

Picture this: You are a player named Young Ying, and you are in a subconscious within someone's mind trying to restore balance within itself and must find your inner brother, Baird Yang.

Within the game, you travel to dark lands and eery places, while there's not really any jump scares like in most horror games, the atmosphere can be somewhat spooky.  Like Zelda you start off with nothing until you find your weapon...A...broom... Then you move on to dungeons and reach the end of the game. Along the way, you also have to collect card to open doors to complete the game.

While being a Zelda clone might be a great idea, that also means the game has the similar issues as past Zelda games. For one, the game becomes liner as the Link to the past and you get lost and there's little-to-no-clues to where to go. While this dose help exploration and you can find Blood Fairies that can extend your life, you have to use a guide to just to figure out where to go.

Another issue that  players would face would be the level design, while can be fair at sometimes, it can still push back and slap players in the face. For example, you will run across a maze near the end of the game, but to get everything, you have to come back after you beat the game and complete an outrageous challenge just to get ONE card.

While there are some silly, hidden cards in post-game, it feels that they're just in just for spits-and-giggles. There's only so little replayiblity in the game besides the achievements in the steam version of the game. In my opinion, the achievements are not worth it. While it is not easy to get that one achievement, the game has only few achievements in the first place.

If you played the devilish ROM-hacks of the Zelda NES, you would probably get a kick out of this game. If you're a newcomer to Zelda-Hill'ish game-types, I recommenced you to play the Zelda Gameboy series, as they are well implemented, as well as Wind Waker HD . Anodyne isn't a bad game at all, it's just it had ideas that it didn't execute very well because of it's identity crisis. I felt that if there was better programing, it would have run smoothly. Maybe if it stuck out as it's own game instead of feeling like a Zelda ROM hack, it would have been a great game.

Well, that review was short than expected. the game was short, so there was so little to say. now if you excuse me, I have to take cover since the horse-headed people have invaded planet earth and I'm ore than scared by these co-called people. It won't be long until I kill them and sell their corpses for glue, but too bad I just offended the furies of this world....

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Spelunky (360/ PC)

Like some people having a problem with judging a game for what it is Good, bad, or disappointing, I'm having a hard time to judge Spelunky since the game itself is a heavily luck-based rouge-like game.

The point of the game is that you are one of the many treasure hunters, sending him or herself into the mines to hunt down the legendary treasure of Kali. On your way, you discovered that a wise man has discovered that the mines change at random and that death, itself, is lost as death only ends up forcing you to restart from the start and that you're  tuck in your own personal hell. Speaking of which, there are hidden levels LIKE HELL, that you have to get into for the true ending. Yes, like most castlevania games, it has a false ending, so to get the best ending and score, you have to rely on luck and good-luck with that. 

While some to most of the deaths are partially on the player itself, the problem is part of it is how the game's random map spawns. For example, I found the game like to spawn the traps and bombs close to the sacrificial alters, or worse, when you set the traps off, they tend to hit the shopkeepers. When shopkeepers are set off, even by accident, they will hunt you down; Even if it means killing the damsels, other shopkeepers or other fiends that stay in your way.

Speaking of the damsels, you can set them as a the dumb, female bimbo; a creepy cross dresser who is gender-confused; and a stupid dog named Rufus, who acts like a doofus.  I find them to be somewhat offensive characters, but from the look of things, they made them that way so sacrificing them wouldn't add any emotional weight and that's the problem. The game has a devalue character issue that lower all characters as cartoon-like, unlikable characteristics, which death less painful on purpose. Apparently, this game wants you to commit suicides just to count the death-meter.

However, this game is fun, but it is not exactly fair as other rouge-like games. Unlike games like Rouge Legacy, for example, the game dosn't get easier as you go. While you do unlock new character, they do not attribute since they do NOT have special abilities and there isn't a counter-measurements for unfair spawns. While tools like jet-packs, climbing gloves, and ropes can help you make it to the end, it depends if the game will have mercy and provide the items that you will need via shops and boxes.

In short, the game would have been better and easier to handle if it was an online game, as the multiplayer is only local co-op. Even though there are some advantages with local multiplayer, the game suffers from a lazy port, as it was originally for the Xbox 360 and then the steam release happened a year later. While the game dose support mods, it just lacks any change from the 360 version. The game suffers from what makes other Rouge-like games acceptable because it fears to let the player have an experience with itself.

I have to cautiously recommend this game, as if one plays Mario ROM hacks, this game makes the same mistakes as most game mod-ers that make the game too frustrating for those who do not know for what's coming for them. This is not a game for those with short tempers. Thankfully, I knew what I was getting into, unlike my friends who want to strangle a puppy.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Games of the (last) Year!

Thank god, it's 2014, as the last year wasn't very eventful. Sure, there where some good games at the start of the year, but the dry summer of gaming where ever so dull. That, and personally, it felt that fortune was not all on my side though that year. However, there where some games that stood out for better...and for worse.  

Games of 2013

Disappointing Game of 2013: Dead Rising 3
- Dispute making improvements, the series has lost it's identity as the game looks extremely muddy, the pathways are just annoying fillers just to pad out the game, and the zombie killing tends to be a pointless level grind. Yes, the zombie killing is fun as you can craft anywhere at anytime, but as a sequel, It's a sequel like Home Alone 3 is to the last Home Alone movies as the humor and psychopaths felt last-minute and the story is farfetched. Now you know how the fans felt how disappointing Saints Row the 3rd was. *Angry yells in the background*

Most Surprising Game of 2013: Wonderful 101
- When the game was announced to be very short, we all had our concerns that this game might not review well. That was not the case. Why? Remember the makers of Okami, Viewiful Joe, and God Hand? Platinum Studios developers did past works on the games and honed their skills to make this game. Dispute the game being very hard and has it's small quirks, This is a Wii U game for the Hardcore gamer.

Worst Game of 2013: Ride to Hell: Retribution - 1%
- While I am tempted to list Garry's Incident as the worst game of the year, as the company did attack critics and, as well, written false reviews on Meta-Critic in bad English, Ride to Hell takes first place for ACTUALLY takes gamers to hell.  The game functions, but the game is nothing but bugs, bad textures, bad voice actors, and that leads up to one bad experience for anyone. The sad thing that IT WAS an alpha and they forced it out the door...and Let's not mention the "sex" in this game, because it's lazy, it's sexist, and mostly of all, abysmal....

Best Soundtrack of 2013: Saints Row 4
- Yes, Even though the game might not be as big as GTA5, at least the soundtrack doesn't have old, thrown out stars like Britney Spears. While the game's soundtrack dose have old, licensed songs, famous from movies, It felt that it held up twords other sandbox games, especially GTA5 that uses pop-culture songs that anyone would grow sick of. Saints Row 4 might be a better version of Crack Down, but the soundtrack of the game makes you feel like a total bad-ass!

Best Story of 2013: A Wolf Among Us
- This is a dark, deep story based on the Fables comic series. Enter Ex-villein Bigbe Wolf. Now as a detective, Bigbe often makes hard decisions within his job, everyone knows that things are going to get real when a cereal-killer starts killing every fairy-tale character in sight. While, yes, your decisions might not determine the story as in past Telltale game , The Walking Dead (except in the Add-on, which will determine season 2! Just a heads up), The story will only get better later on.

Best Portable of 2013:
Pokemon X/Y
- Was there any doubt? This game brings back what made pokemon the best portable series as well as bring a new fairy-type to counter the dragon-type. Pokemon X/Y has a simpler trade system, including wounder-trade, brings back the linear story path in pokemon, which critics missed, and introduced new pokemon, despite Pokemon getting stale over time.  What can you say about pokemon?

Best Seller of  2013
: GTA 5
- Well, we all saw this one coming, but the game is not known for the stupid story line, nor the abysmal soundtrack, but rather it's game-play and it's sales. While it dose continue that carp-tacular storyline since GTA4 and has a disappointing multi-player launch, the game is huge, has underwater exploration, parities this satire of the world that we live in today, and is the preferred "realistic" game to go into rampages.  Personally, I feel that this game is over-rated and shows a point about "gaming" media of today, but that's a subject for later....

Now that the personal Games of that year, I can finally make an announcement: I have gotten over 300 views! Congratulations on helping me on this, and as a reward, I will be streaming on twitch! I also made an optional donation site though the new Patreon system. It's paypal...without PayPal, if that ever make sense. Instead of Indes, it works well for people who make content on Youtube, twitch, and other web sites as a giant tip jar. It IS optional, but your donations do help.