Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A Machine for Pigs: That's no game!

And now a game that I was dreading that I have to review for the month of Halloween. And yes, I do mean Amnesia: a Machine for pigs, but I had to cut Amnesia out of fear of the infection of spreading, as this occurrence did happen to Silent Hill, just the original developers WEREN'T around for the so-called sequel. The developers for the game where the same ones that made the "Walking Simulator" Dear Ester, But that will be explained later.

The player stars as Oswald, the wealthy industrialist and explorer, , He awake in the room with Amnesia, which is a running thing with the Amnesia series, and receives  a call from someone who informs him that a machine that he helped build is sabotaged and is risk of exploding, that would risk his twin sons' life. On the way to fix the machine, you find Man-pigs (or pigmen? OR MAN-BEAR-PIGS!?) beings which chase after him.

However, while it dose have the Amnesia name, the game itself is more of a visual novel than an actual game, even though the player can mess with the dressing at times. Oswald tends to get pushed down a hallway more than exploring, which was the same problem with Dear Ester. While the puzzles have been watered down as well as the sanity effects, the sanity effects are used to at least try to cover  the look of the menpigs, which are sadly copy-and-pasted all over the place. The pigmen loose their credibility, or CREEPiblity, in this case, and becomes less creepy as time moves on.

If the game would have been called A Machine For Pigs as it's main tittle just with the note on the box-art "Made by the developers of Dear Ester!" then the game would have done well for itself. The story, while it dose have it's issue shoehorning bits of Amnesia like The Room shoehorned bits of Silent Hill, is actually very creepy in it's own right. However, the company wanted to make a sequel to the game, but they couldn't  get the original developers, as they moved on from the company.

Sadly, the game missed it's mark, as many fans and critics bashed the game for not being a true amnesia sequel. This caused a huge back-lash as The Chinese Room attacked back, giving the company bad repetation within the gaming community. While people do see some people will defend the game, it STILL dose not make it a game, as there is no replay value and feels like a paid for a custom story. Speaking of custom story, this game dose not have a custom story mode.

Sadly, I personally do not recommend this game. If anyone want to get the game on a sale, they are free to buy the game. Is it an Amnesia game? No, but it's a interesting interactive story on it's own.  The game is easier to complete, but the name betrays itself, as it could never reach it's expectation caused by it's hype. In the end, the game should have been it's own thing...Instead, it's just a thing.

With this review, this ends Horror game mouth. Thanks twords those who read my reviews. I do have a one thousand view special in mind, so please continue to read on. For those wondering about my Youtube, it's on hiatus until later as there are too many factors holding me back from family issues to moving to another town to build my own home. I hope to evolve Beastly Bash and even renaming it as the name is also currently used by Halloween party group. Until then....

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