Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tomogachi Life: Nintendo's Fanfic Game

There is a major withdraw within the Simulation genre, as game series like Animal Crossing and The Sims have became more about how one slaves the player into their own personal debts. While they are often used to answer the question "How is it like on the other side?"  or "How dose being a god is like?" Sadly, they tend to be a quick cash grab so they could start their company like the creators of Goat Simulator, or to remind you that THE SIMS still exist under a company that is a shell of their former self.

Then there is Tomogachi life: a game that is not about the player, but about the Miis that live upon an island.  This game helps brings one thing that the Miis lacked after all these years - Their own personality and their own will. One can import any Mii from the Mii maker onto the island as they do their own thing.  The game is more of a small game experience instead of an over-whelming slave simulator.

 The selling points for Tomogachi life is that ANYONE can be in the game from celebrities to even your friends, neighbors, and even the creepy-looking people that you run into within street-pass, if granted. The thing is that the player can only INFLUENCE the characters but cannot control the character hands-on. The experience is more kin to keeping an eye on the Miis, feeding them food, giving clothes, and watching all the randomness occur. Thankfully, the game is NOT as demanding as most sim games, meaning you can leave the game alone for a long time and not be punish by the angry neighbors or town people.

But the problem with the game is that Tomogachi Life feels like an expensive application with little content as this game is a full priced tittle.  This may not seem to be an issue, however, it depends if people will buy it or not. This game is a "miles-will-vary" type of  Free-flowing simulation app, meaning there is only a few things to do and so little control. While the game can have it's own random shenanigans, the key word is random as in random numbers, as some events tend to repeat itself more than once.  The game can be boring at time, even if it is easy to pick up and put down. Bringing new Miis could help bring new life to the island, however, the results still remains the same.

However, the most frustrating part of the game is trying to help Miis married. Dear lord, the mini-game for that event is too luck based. I know luck can play a key part in a relationship, but NOT to this extreme! You have to tap his or her toughs are on the person's mind, but the mind is so jumpy, it's like trying to get you attention of a child who's diet is coffee and sweet treats! I know ones mind could be racing and spinning on some key moments of a person's life, but setting it up like a classic Mario Party mini-game is just unforgiving. The system is there just for the Miis can own their own home and can generate new Mii children. It can be offensive to some people, so I can understand the frustration.

If anyone had an issue with Animal Crossing but want a game that is easy to get into or get out of, this is a game for them.  However, it depends if a thirty five dollar application will hold anyone off. While it did hold me over personally for a time, the flaws of this game can be seen by almost anyone.  While some people can value of this game, it can wear-out very quickly. I recommend having a friend give you the trail version before picking up the game... Or just barrow it....Or just keep away... yes...