Saturday, February 1, 2014

Early Access and Kick-Starter

Well, this is a serious subject that recently came up by many critics: The pledge of Early Access that has came withing the last year. While that the games that features early access are cheaper and are less risky as most donation sites like Paypal with, or without, Kick-Starter, the games aren't exactly complete, has ton of bugs, and on rare occasions, been abandoned by the developers.

Part of it is the confusion between what goes on within these systems.

While there are games that where successful on kick-starters like Skull-Girls and River City: Underground, Games like Garry's Incident are a big example of it's failure. When the developers couldn't get enough money, they tried to make the game on their small budget, and they failed. It was one of last year's worst games. They did try to claim the videos and even written false reviews, in bad English, as well.

A misnomer is that some people believe once they give their amount to the developers though donations, they have a small amount of control.  Well, wake up: If one takes control away from the developers, that would only complicate things because they cannot have creative control. It's getting to the point where people should at least make their own games, not just to plagiarize the game by making into something else. Not all games can have a customization as Saints Row, the WWE games, or like most avatar games, because it's egotistic. It shows that no one has faith twords the developers to make their own game. What an issue.

What both donation systems have issues with is that both require you to gamble and trust on the developers. While there are good developers with unique projects, there are some that are just trying to cash in on the certain fad.

 For example, Wolf Among us help spawned the Werewolf games last year. While the Fable's spin-off is an awesome storytelling game, others werewolf games are knock-offs like modern movie spin-offs. While some are very average, Guise of the Wolf is terrible because they wanted to fallow a trend than just make a good game. The game is full of bugs, has terrible programing, dosn't give any hints of the mechanics, and is a horrible game all-around...

So all and all, The gaming industry is a huge gamble. Even the same old plans from the past cannot help, even though it did work in the past. If  there is one hint that I would have to give is know what one is getting into. Getting information of the devs is a major, as the past often reflect on their performance.  If they're an inde dev, it all depend on how things look and how people talk about the project. In the most of all, wait until the game is released and wait for the critics and reviews get their hands upon the games and then work it out from there.

Until then, roll that hot pair of dice! Daddy needs a new pair of shoes!~

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