Sunday, August 31, 2014

Games that jumped the shark

I was going to make a review on one of these games, however, I realized that there are A LOT of games that have made their characters (or series, in that matter) do certain things that they won't knowingly do and feel out-of-character. Listing them all would take too long, I will point out the most common games that jumped the shark. Please note -- not all of the games listed are garbage, its just the game could either been different or better as it's own Independent property, or IP for short...

Spyro Reboot Game

 Now before I get marked as a traitor by Sally "Kit" Ballard, Krome studios WAS once a part of EA and after they made their game Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, the guys saw how good it was and decided they should reboot the Spyro series. While it did attract some newcomers, it alienated the old fans away from the series. In fact, I think this is why they usually get crap from review sites because of their past like Double Helix, but in need of more help. They are more comfortably  doing their own thing, which is why they formed their own indie-studios. I have a feeling I'll be chewed out by both an angry nekomimi and an angry dragon man. My life in-a-nutshell...

Resident Evil 4

As I said, not all games are bad. But! Once the game sold well, this set a standard that would damage Capcom's repetition as well as they protrusive "exclusiveness" within the other counsels.  The problem comes that they decided to go more action than horror and the series suffered for it. While four was good, it had out-of-character moment in the middle of the game where Leon became yet another Sonic clone. It didn't help that they copied and pasted it for five, which was "MEH" at best if  played with a friend, but six was a complete disaster! Companies like Capcom are a shell of their former self, as they even abandoned their own mascot! Sad..


Let's face it, This game should have been a NEW IP. This property was made as a failed prototype to Resident Evil, which showed how crazy and stupid the developers are at times. The original was hard for its own reason that it had to be nerfed in the port within the United States. The reboot was ugly on purpose to fit with the common hipsters of today times which should be tossed straight into an oncoming bus. While there are fans of the new-gen Dante, it killed off any change of a sequel and proves how reboots can be a bad thing if used incorrectly. I honestly rather play Metal Gear Rising. I'm sorry...But I am not a fan of either games. While I do love fast-action games, this series is not for me.

Metroid: Fusion

While Other M should have been never M'ed, we must remember that the game series first jumped the shark when Samus show some emotions in Metroid Fusion. While it did bring new elements within the series, it did bring up Samus' past where she left her adopted planet to join the military. For one, this lead into Other M's story ark which caused the Prime Trilogy to become non-cannon. As a fan of the series, it made me distrust Nintendo with it's property. Secant, it tore the fan-base apart like the internet dose 24/7. Samus was trained to control those emotions by her adopted parents, as they where bird alien warriors  who rival the monks on earth. Plus, she meet Riley thousands of times. Why should she fear him?! Idiots...

I would list more, but this list would be endless. Metal Gear Solid 2, Bionic Comando, and the other of many games which just want to do the crazy things just to grab someone's attention but doing it at the worst way imaginable. It's like cos-playing as Hitler while at a Jewish wedding. While it dose grab someone's attention, all that ends up getting is a angry mob, angry war vets, and annoying questions only getting even more questions. We can only hope the developers get their heads out of their asses or out from each others' asses before someone make a human centipede!

...And yes, I don't know how to end my topics as well. Don't hate me Yatzee, because I'm merely using Jon Tron's method of entertainment....

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