Friday, May 23, 2014

Batman: Arkam Origins **spoilers**

I was planning to skip this review, but I was called out by Youtuber Chuggaconroy, as he wanted to know if he should get this game as he trusted my advice. As people pointed out to get Sonic Colors over Sonic Lost World and Okami Wii to HD because of the controls, I have to say get Arkham City over Arkam Origins since Origins is a complete mess.

I should enplane this reasoning after all. While the gameplay dose look promising, like Sonic Lost World, its only fun to watch and is a painful experience. And while the official clips my seem promising, the gameplay felt on rails as the tester lead the way. When played on hands, some of the mechanics are the same, but the gameplay is so buggy, game breaking glitches pledge the game like rats in a time where black cats where though to be a bad thing like Beta testers.  Whats worse is they refused to fix most of these issues because they couldn't of poor excuses.

Arkham Origins takes place after year one, where Batman is starting to build his repetition as a vigilante. Black Mask, the criminal overlord who runs in Gotham, breaks outs and sends mercenaries to capture and kill Batman. The disappointing part of the story was how the Joker was implemented as the bait and switch plot-line within the game because it felt like the story writers wanted to make up with the lame mercenaries. While they did hype the battle with Death-Stroke, it's the most annoying fight in the game and comes way too fast within the story line. While the fight with Slade seems awesome, playing the part of the game is harshly annoying.

Speaking of gameplay, the multiplayer mode was added on because why not. Warner Brothers noticed how shooters like modern warfare and call of duty and though to cash-in to that kind of demographic. While to some the multiplayer  is fun to some, it feels out-of-place. While there is a third team where you can play as Batman and Robin, they seem to only pick-off rookies while professional players pick them off easy. While the Wii U version is cheaper because it's multiplayer has been removed, the Wii U isn't know for add-ons, as developers refuse to give add-ons for the system.

As a big Batman fan, This game comes at a disappointment. Even though Heart of Ice's retelling as Cold, Cold Heart, as good as the story is, is better as a movie than a game. If anyone is tempted to buy the game because of the add-on, it's only about an hour and a half long, including the collectibles. Besides Sonic Lost World and, the most disappointing game of 2013,  Dead Rising 3, Origins is only fun to watch.

To summarize: Wait until Arkam Knight, or if you cannot wait, check  The Assault on Arkham and Son of Batman since these movies will cure your Batman rash. Could not recommend this game this game on normal conditions because looks cannot make a game alone. Looks like Nintendo was right all along.

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