Wednesday, April 2, 2014

About the Beast!

That's right, ladies and lady-like figures. It's one of those filler episodes since my move is actually delayed until post of this is up, so I have to use my time wisely as my connection will be down for some time until I move upon to my new apartment that has it's own office. Hopefully, things won't end like in the sapran---

... Sorry I was Advised not to finished that line since that is a dead joke.

Anyways, I was one of those "90's Kids" who lived in the peace erra, while the fights where mostly at home, at least we still had the towers and a flag to please the allegiance twords. Of course, that couldn't last because corporate is fueled by blood, sweat, and tears or the laborers whenever they're American or not.  This is why I don't like going decorative shopping and just use hand-me-downs.

But let's digress back to the life story.

Because of the wars on earth, my family has decided to leave to move up to the space colony Ark. After the space creatures that have been wiped after so many Sonic's ass games, Sega sold the space colony so they could work out a diet plan for Robotnik. From what I heard, he has finally lost around twenty ponds. Anyways, bonded wasn't a fun thing since everyone's a dick fighting for the same ass of action.

During my time on The Ark, I did meet as much friend as I made enemies.  One of them was my first love who was in The Hunter's Guild. And by the Trinity, she was like an angel in the time of need.
Sad that she's no longer with me, but at least that part of my life was probably one of the sexiest as well. I guess this is where I get my liking twords those kind of women.

Anyways, That's when I went on a space-trip to study in graphical technical studies. Then the unexpected happen: I became a Dark Soul. As eery as it is, It was also hard to adjust to as well. While thankfully, I still have part of my human side as I love food.  However, I do need Soul stones to stay alive. Those stones sadly wear down like batteries when they are being over-used. It's just how things are for a time being.

For those who are still lost within their mind about me, let me summarize in this one paragraph. A Mimi-man who is living in a space colony who has been there, done that within the universe that is ugly as an alcoholic mother within a lonesome bar in a mickle bay film. In case one's still lost, think Yatzee if he was born in America. If all else fails, I don't know what I could do to enplane besides your average beast guy trying to live within the human world.

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