Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Battle Block Theater: Good use of recycled assets from Newgrounds

For those who where unlucky or lucky to watch my friend's Let's play of Castle Crashers as past-me with a bad PC Microphone, I do have to apologist as my past-me who is a troll-full idiot. I cannot harm him but yet he can harm me as he leave me mental scars as well as the physical scars on my body. The game suffered lags, disconnects, color contrast issues which makes players confused on who they are, and all around better on the xbox since most of the Steam port was Copy-&-Paste laziness. I just couldn't recommend the game on PC for anyone.

Now onward twords their new game Battle Block Theater. I am reviewing the steam version since it's the easiest version to get your hands one since the Xbox is dead and has a Steam-Workshop Community. The game has more replay-ability as you can make your own head decal or even make your own Level-sets  and share them within the steam network.  I originally got it to help with my friend's let's play, but since he prefers to have a younger cat to help him, I can't help but to feel like to bring out my old friendly machete out for a walk.

Where was I? Oh yes, the story. You where out with Mr. Hatty having a party when he and his friends on is ship which then became shipwrecked on an isle of cats. Hatty was then catnapped and was forced to wear an evil top-hat, which forced him to enslave the players as they are forced to entertain cats by running though platform-based levels. While playing, the player(s) get to over-hear the witty narrator, who's remained unnamed though-out the wacky adventure,  as he babbles as one progress though the game.

The biggest issue with the game is that it runs ENTIRELY in flash, an out-dated service that even Adobe has abandoned for the past few years. The reason for this is cost efficiency since Newground's creators have been working with this for years. The problem is Flash is uncompressed, meaning even with good specs, it can have performance issues and sometimes lags. Also, if anyone with a low connection tends to lag behind. I only had that issue once since I recently moved, but once the modem was changed, no problems.

As I mentioned in the tittle, the game straight out reuse assets from their older flash cartoons and games, which isn't too bad in some way, but it makes the game feel cheap in the audio areas of the game, as the music gets repetitive to make you chew your own friend's ears off just to save them from the pain. If you played Castle Crashers, you also get free cameo gears from the game. This is good, but it's also a cheap way to advertise Castle Crashers, as they give you Hatty  if you own both games. Even if I warn players not to get it, they tend to be lead like fatty wales to the slaughter.

However, this is a better game than Castle Crashers. The servers are better optimized, meaning if everyone's connections is fine, then the game should run well if Flash doesn't have it's random moments. Co-op is Co-optional, as you can even finish the game Solo and jump in or out at any time within a game.  While some community levels are better with a buddy, most can be completed by single player. Weapons can be utilized to help or hurt your co-op players, help "tame" the feral cats, and even reach areas that cannot be normally obtained.

IS it worth completing 100%? Only for achievements, maybe. Weapons have to be bought with yarn collected from levels, but after you get the last weapons, there's not real need to collect the last bits of yarn. They are needed to get A++, but they do collect up after awhile. The Gems, on the other hands, are used to buy new character designs and there are a lot of them. While they are nice to collect, they come randomly, so once you fine the one liked prisoner character, it feels like a completionist nightmare. Now you know how the Sonic fan base feels.

Still, Battle block Theater is a good game. Is it worth murdering your ex-friends? Maybe not, but it's something to talk about within the nut-house since it's one of those water cooler games. Different experiences, different ways to solve a problem, and many other hints on how to kill your friends, intentional or not. Now excuse me, my ride is here...

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