Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze! (bbrrrrr...)

Before I start with the review two things:

One; Sorry if i was away for so long as my computer needed to be tweaked as I accidentally downloaded a bad file and I had to get my computer fix. Saddly, it DID NOT fix my driver issue that I been having so far. I will post a comparison picture from my laptop and my PC. I am working on getting back on my LPs, but I have to use my laptop for my counsel games. It will be annoying since I like to manage everything in one place, but it can't be helped.

Two; Easter! but honestly...Before I can move on to the review, I have to state one thing: I found Donkey Kong Country Returns disappointing. One of the reasons is because of it's god-awful 2d controls. Since the game forces you to use the wii remote like a painful version of the NES controller, you would probably use the third-party controller or get the 3D edition on the 3DS. However, I found the monsters dull and the final boss disappointing. I can't help to feel bored twords the monsters in the game. If SOMEONE want to try the game, at least try the 3DS version.

Tropical Freeze starts as  DK, Cranky, Diddy and Dixie Kong are waiting as it's Donkey Kong's Birthday and DK is ready to blow out the cake. However! A cold freezing breeze blew by, as a single snowflake flew into DK's hut. The Kongs, curious of whats happening, look outside only to see they are being invaded by the Snowmads. While they are simplistic as best, they are a nice throwback to DKC2 as it is the best in the original series on the SNES. Going back on the subject, the Snowmad King gets his horn and literally (as in wind, you dirty minded people) blew the Kongs away and freeze DK island. Its up to DK and company to get back on DK island and defeat the Snowmads.

The game-play works as you expected to those who played the last game, or games. However, I do miss the different bonus levels from the classic series, as the bonus levels are just copy-and-paste, but are required to complete 100% to...collect art...At least the music unlocks are great, as THE DAVID WISE returns to compose for the music in the game. We miss you, Wise.

Anyways, Diddy can hover and turn snowmads to lifes, Scrooge --I mean-- Cranky can jump on spiky platforms and snowmads as he can turn them into coins, Dixie can be used as a double-jump, and the most broken part of the game, turn snowmads into plus hearts. It also doesn't help that, thanks to the bonus games and the bananas, lifes are very pointless in the game. While the game dose have tricky parts, Lifes are given like candies  for a game that is hard as a Mega-Man game. I say that because if one knows what to do, the game isn't hard at all. It's why most games are removing lifes, like the recent Rayman games. Lifes in gaming are pointless padding unless if the game is very challenging.

However, the game is still better than the last game as the game controls and design isn't as awful, as you can use ANY of the game controls and use two controls based on DKCR and the classic DKC series. However, I would recommend playing on the Pro controller, at it is MUCH MORE COMFORTABLE  by a long mile from the gamepad or the damn wii remote from hell. However, find a personal play-style that fits well, or else sore palms will be within the future.  Also, the gamepad is disabled for TV play, so looks like Nintendo is learning SOMEWHAT about their mistakes. Not all, sadly...

Dispite how short the game is, Tropical freeze at last finally scratch my platforming itch. Finally, yet another good Wii U game. While Nintendo are ruling the portable market, at least they are trying to rule the counsel market...but then again, PC is the dominating monster, so best fro them to rethink their strategy.  Should have invented vision goggles like everyone else. Then again, there's a reason that failed in the 90's...

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