Thursday, June 12, 2014

Mario Kart 8

Nintendo has managed to pull up to secant place thanks to the advantage created by Mario Kart 8, making over one million within it's first release week to the point in the United Kingdom to make a BEAST of a sale. Yea, yea, The joke wrights itself as they sold around 666%. Looks like the church is working over-time, trying to purify the UK. Good luck with that. Anyways, how dose Mario  Kart 8 hold up to the rest of the series? Let's find out!

The major feature of the game is the new driving mechanics. You can drive up walls with the new anti-gravity sections in the race tracks. This can be used to reach short-cuts and boost panels in certain places. This is an interesting mechanic which is felt very underutilized. They did balance the gameplay for multi-player, but some of the changes takes time to adjust to. The biggest thing is that you cannot hold your item out to grab another item. It's fair within online gameplay, but it feels cheap within single player, as it's hard to actually defend yourself in situations.

However, the strongest part of Mario Kart 8 is it's online as it has been refined for the best multiplayer experience for the Wii U. They also added a service called Mario Kart TV, which saves footage of your races and saves them so they can be uploaded upon youtube. However, it lacks an editing feature, causing limited creativity to their owner. While Riding Dirty Luigi gives everyone the death stare it a strong new internet meme, it would be nice if it was in better quality. Plus lets face it, it's there mostly so Nintendo can put their ads to earn revenue. That's just dirty, Nintendo...

However, the worst change within the game has to be the drastic change within battle mode -- while you can take the battle to all the raceways and online, they REMOVED ALL of the classic battle maps that we know and loved. While some can get use to the change within this mode, most are disappointing to the point that they had to go back into Mario Kart 7 for the better tracks and battle mode. Compared to Mario Kart 7, Mario Kart 8 is disappointing because of the selection of access within the game. That and some parts of the game is incomplete. That means one thing: incoming download content..or is it Disk-Locked content? A reason I boycott Capcom products from my reviews.

The reason for the sale is because of how good the market is within the United Kingdom as the selection of free games for the Wii U. The US market is suffering because of it's economy issues because how bad corporate companies like to milk money out of good people to the point they would run for government jobs. We know what you're doing, COMCAST. That's just dirty.

Would I recommend Mario Kart 8 as it is? Sadly, not now. I would wait until they give us a better offer of free games like they did with the UK, or better yet, a complete pack with all the DLC characters. It's nice to see Nintendo getting it's wind in its sails, but when they have to get us with dishonesty as the so called "good guys" of the industry , stick with Mario Kart 7. And for god sake, switch to decaff...

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