Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Earthworm Jim 3D

Now that I mentioned THIS old hero, everyone wounder who's this Earthworm Jim is. No? TOO BAD, this character is a fine example of good game series that died off within time. Some say character like  Mega-man die out, but since he's in the next Smash Bros., that shouldn't count...for now.

 Back in 1995, Earthworm Jim was a hardcore platform shooter where Earthworm Jim must save What-Her-Name (yes, it's a hero parody game, So this is actually her REAL name!) from the clutches of Queen Slug-For-A-But. This game was later rebooted in HD for the Xbox 360, but I would recommend the Special Edition. However! Every version has a different special level, so it dose make collectors try every port of the game for sake. The game series also has it's own brand of humor, and even though it wasn't exactly the first animated game, it was one of the best during the time.

The series also spawned a cartoon series which lasted two seasons. It was a decently, hilarious cartoon that is both for the kids and the kid-at-heart. It also dose some curve-ball humor, but it keeps out of politics as it makes the series dated like in the Mario cartoons. However, it dose some pop-culture parody very well.

Afterward, Earthworm Jim II raised the bar by making the game more fast-pasted while keeping what made Earthworm Jim great. In Earthworm Jim II, Jim finally settles down with What-her-name, but then she gets kidnapped by his evil rival, Psycrow! The game becomes much more diverse as it dose bring new weapons as well as the new helper named Snot. Snot acts an upgraded hook-shot, enabling you to get into new areas Jim can go though normally.  This game dose as an actual sequel is suppose to do.

Which leads to Earthworm Jim 3D, a game that tried to cash-in with the 3d collectithons like Banjo-Kazooie and Mario 64. But that's only part of the problem: The game was NOT even seventy percent done when it was released. A rushed project with many issues that prevented this game from even making returns.  Not only that, but the developer team involved was completely amateur and the development got into an argument with the original team, like the Doom crew's issue, and got Doug and his crew fired and kicked. In the end, it was a complete, commercial failure.

The story is that Jim had an Cow-related incident, since it was a running gag in the cartoons, that sends him to the hospital. He gets stuck in a comma and you have to collect your marble  and collect golden utters to open new areas and to face the memories of the bosses that Eartworm Jim faced in the past; like notes and jiggies  from the Banjo series. We can tell that the staff from Animaniacs and EX-staff from Kids WB had a major fallout since they want to help make the game.

While it maybe not as evil as Superman 64, but it's more like the past example of Ride To Hell: Retribution;  a legal means of torture! Beans pits and sand pit traps which make one trow a N64 controller out the window, bitter humor that is lack-luster, the bugs in small parts, but the worst of all, the least inspired boss fight in history, the marble collection bosses. They are terrible! It's the same copy-and-paste bosses just the boss is annoying as the last. **spoilers** Even the final boss, Jim's feminine side Jin, is just a simple edit over and the same lack-luster-nest!

The saddest thing is that game looked promising from the promotional ads left for events like E3 and the gaming expos. Sadly, Like Duke Nukem Forever, they could not live up to the expectations. What ever happened to such gameplay? Misplaced in the cabinet with the other gameplay, Did Psycrow snatch this as revenge tword Earthworm Jim, or was it because the Scottish fools wanted to cash in on the license? Hell, Even the level designer still in the game industry as he worked on Batmanc Arkam Origin and kept the game in his resume. I just hope it was worth it to him. Then again, if they worked him like how EA works their workers, then have at it, WB games....

Until then, we have to sigh as Earthworm Jim is forced to work with his stupid rival, Boogerman...Which I actually hope his kick-starter FAILS as we don't have to deal with this Nick-toon reject. People would actually defend anything bad these days. And before you say anything, at least I defend the good thing in life!

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