Monday, November 4, 2013


Ever since Batman's Arkam series,  It brought me back to the 90's Batman the Animated Series and seen how the term "going down hill" has really hit America from the 00's. The 90's where dated as it was full of bad fads made for America's commercialism to where we bought crap because we had to look cool for the local school kind of thing.

 However, it where in this era of peace where arcades, fighting games, and strong women characters, and art was booming as much as the common baby boomers. Game series like King of Fighter, Darkstalkers, and, last but not least, Street-Fighter 2, and the side scroll-er brother of the game-type. This is where unlockible characters also where popularized by beating challenges or as another character in a certain situation.

Sadly, by today's standards, the fighting games are usually streamlined to the point that button mashers can get away winning fights that logically they cannot win normally, have to buy new characters which are locked in the game itself, thus changing DLC to Disk-locked content, and spin-off after spin-off of the same game, just with all the updates...We're looking at you, Capcom. There's a reason your company  get the "Crap-com" nick-name, especially burning the bridge between Mega-man's main developer and other raciest shenanigans.

If only if there was a game that was a huge love-letter to us fighting game fans that not only improve the mechanic of Marvel vs. Capcom 2 which is also full of pop-culture references and parodies...

Then all the sudden, on the mouth of my birthday, the PC port of skull-girls has finally been unleashed on Steam, which is great since the Live and PlayStation-Network  had always had issues of their own such as the bad lag in the game, which was fixed by NOT using the LIVE system. Instead they use another online system, which I lost the name of, that adjusts the connection so the combatants are at equal internet wavelength. 

While it IS a clone of Marvel vs. Carpcom just with the pure animation of BlazBlue, it feels much more balanced as it has it's own training room WITH training lesson so you can always attend to. As mentioned, the online is the best in the PC port, so for those waiting, this one's for you. And when you do get stuck by Ms. Fortune cornering you with the endless combo, they balanced that with the combo-breaker which breaks the ice in certain situations.

However, the game has only a few character which means more DLC, but at least since it IS from an indie-company who also raised seventy five thousand twords breast-cancer research, I don't really see how anyone can be upset by the partially upset. Well, Maybe some that maybe upset by the "boob-lady" design, dispite their age, but that was a thing in the 90's and even today's gaming. I do see this being a problem in today since parents are lacking in the parenting department. Ironic, but it is since they could never fully concept on Humanity, Humility, or even both. Which is WHy batman existed in the first place.

But after all is said and done, I HIGHLY recommend Skull-girls for the classic fighting game, even though the design choice is sorta odd and sorta prevy. I often practice the game as Ms. fortune as the undead cat-girl is a slight veriation of wolverine's female "sidekick."  If there's anything I can give a hint on is stick with a combo that works for you, but always come back to see what can be improved.

And on a side-note, I did not sleep with that woman!  She is a respectable character who I highly admire for, therefor any advances I make is for her personal gain and not mine. And for god's sake, you are not getting fat; that's just lean mussels that is forming in your body from you fighting the mobsters and from all that stretching.

That is all.

Goodnight from your president!~

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