Monday, November 4, 2013

Bloody "Good" Time

Now I know I probably didn't see eye to eye with pokemon fans since the last review, but like yatzee and the last of us, I didn't want to dislike Pokemon Black and White. The game just didn't scratch my pokemon itch unlike Pokemon X which brings back the original formula, plus somewhat new mega mechanics. So to ease the tension, I have to show that every game series has their weakest point in their saga. For instants, please pick up the designated baseball bat, fallow me, and bash the hell of this bad game...but maybe we should have a look back to help justify this rage.

Before A Bloody Bad Time, the development team made The Ship, a multi-player game that is The Sims meet Hitman! In this game, you are issued a target but you are also being hunted by your own little stalker that wants to kill you as well. Sounds like my love life in a nut shell. Anyways, You get points by killing your target and by killing your hunter as well. While this sounds easy at first, you have your needs to concern, you and your target can change into other clothes and disguises, and if you're not careful, while using the can, shower, or even in your sleep, you can be eliminated by your "fan."  While yes, there is the one ship, a big fan-base did come back to help the game by adding new maps and it works since it's runs on source and steam's main system, which can be easily modded.

Now, because the idea of the game was good, Ubisoft bought the developers and started using them in Assassin Creed's Multiplayer, a streamlined version of The ship that works because like The ship it's surprisingly peaceful. you have a silent moment, a hint beeper which beeps when your hunter is near by, which adds tension when it's needed, and plus you no longer have to settle your needs, though that would have been hilarious if they found a way to keep them. However, they kept the disguises and it works to trow everyone off guard if you play your part very well. Plus, I find it funny if someone gets killed by the blacksmith when he's dressed as the gentleman since I though TotalBisket was murdering someone in public to vent his justified rage.

Sorry, back on subject...

But now to point out the big purple elephant in the franchise... A bloody bad time was the black sheep of the series. For one, it wasn't well grounded. It wanted to be something current but at the same time it wanted to streamline game-play of The Ship and it suffers for it. Part of the problem is it's wasn't truly anything new; all the game just did was subtracted from the ship both good and bad.

 Basically, if you play both the Amnesia games, you can tell where this review is going. They have only four necessities, which was good, but they took The Ship's mechanics and turned it for the worse. For example, back on the ship the guard mechanics was well balanced as you can bribe the guards to look the other way and if they caught you, they send you to jail. In A Bloody Bad Time, they steal your weapon, they don't take bribes, and they can be exploited for free kills. But the most damning is the new weapon is the camcorder, which steals points from other players.

The weapon is broken as you cannot kill the recorder since they're considered innocent, but the weapon can be picked up constantly and abused by other players. The game is very antagonistic and the game system is not well implemented to the point that Ubi refused to give the game or the ship a sequel. When the game gets THAT BAD, you know you did something WRONG!

If you have friends, get the ship. If you don't, Get assassin creed 4. If you want to torture yourself, there are better games for that: Spin the bottle with ugly people...Then again, that's how my friend found his first love. Ok, Im sorry...BAD JOKE!~

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