If you expected me to review a Sonic game, I can't. Sadly, since the gaming split it's community apart, any observation would be pushed aside by hypocrites, as fans and critics often fight and clash because game sequels or new games just are too much of a step-back that they try to survive on nostalgia alone. However, we all know that Sonic was made based off Speed-Runs of the original Super Mario Bros., as admitted by Sonic's creator, Naoto Oshima. This means the best way to make a review for a Sonic game is to actually compare it to the newer Mario game.
Introducing Super Mario 3D World, a sequel to the acclaimed Super Mario 3D land with elements to the ROM-hack Super Mario 2 USA, Mario Bros. 3, and other past Mario games. While sonic just try to force the color mechanics with-in Sonic lost world with awkward controls, Mario 3D World blends the elements into a nice alcoholic drink which leaves a nice after-taste instead of bitterness.
The story starts as Mario and team find a new, clear pipe and fix it, finding a pixie queen which enplanes that Bowser is kidnapping them so he could use their power to rule their kingdom. So Mario, Peach, Toad, and our best friend, Luigi, must go out and stop Bowser. This game actually breaks the traditions of the "New" Super Mario Bro. by instead handing out levels like different cakes that would be found at a buffet...Just without the germs or bugs like in Sonic games, which also faced the linearity of Mario games. I think yatzee made a techno remix about it...
To progress in the game, not only that most of the levels need to be cleared, but you must also collect green stars to be able to go into Boss-forts, defeat the boss, and move on to the next world. The map is actually free-roam somewhat more than the illusion in Lost World. The new cat-power is a nice addition, even though it was made to cash-in from the cat-based Mem' on the internet.It helps reach new areas and even help collect hidden coins and Green Stars. Sonic DOSE have cut-scenes, but Lost World's mechanics was not well grounded and was only added in because of popularity.
However, even Mario games have small flaws, dispute the game was made by the same developers of the galaxy series. The camera controls where pointless, as those who played Mario games before often knew where to take leaps-of-faiths and when not to from experience. Another issue was the forced integration of the touch-pad, which can trow off the flow of the game at times. Not as bad as in Lost World, but the issue is still there. Hopefully, we can just play with the pro-controller after a patch is released from Nintendo, whenever they like to or not.
In the long run, even when Sonic might have the advantage in personality, he sadly has the disadvantage to gameplay, as Mario 3D World takes that advantage. Dispute how fun both Mario and Sonic games are in the past, I found Mario 3D World taking the advantage, and sales, over Sonic Lost World. It's nothing personal over the once popular Blue-Blur; like most 90's action heroes: time was NOT on his side. It's because people move on to bigger and better things! For example, a comic fan might like Spider-man as a child, but grow-up loving Batman since of either his One Percent personality from The Animated Series to his edgy side from the comic-book series.
Sorry that it took sometime because, even though I'm a critic, I'm also a human being too. I'm not as robotic as most fan-boys who just eat out of their parent's wallets. Even though that was a bit harsh, I wish you all a Happy Holiday, Merry Christmas, thanksgiving, and so on....and so on...
Before we get down to the review, I have to make this
clear: I was underwhelmed by Pokemon B/W because, even though the story
had it's moments, I found it redundant as it pressed on the story on
duality while other games and cartoons has done a better job. (alla,
Jackie chan adventures compared to Kung Fu panda's American-fication TV
Another issue the game had was that it tossed out the
best pokemon just to show out the new designs, which some where very
uncreative. Really? Ice cream cones? keys? two Martial-arts pokemon that
look like something out of sesame street? GOOD LORD, I know that you're
aiming for children, but the game is more enjoyed by teenagers, as some
the poke-dex entries are way too dark for children to read. Sure, N my
be a charming character, but need I have to remind you that he's a tool
used by his father just for world domination? That and the pop-culture
references where mostly used just to appease the current pokemon fans.
It's like having a porn star guess-star in a children's show....(Bad
While the game dose the smart thing by introducing the
new TM/Hm system, some new features where pointless and, some may
argue, needless as the oddly placed gyms, bitter after-game bonuses, and
the trade system so flawed, you can named the pokemon after another
pokemon to mess the global-trade system--Talk about sticking it to the
man, or in this case, Mon!
This leads me to Pokemon X and Y: The
ruby and sapphire of this generation!~ For one they only added plus
fifty new pokemon, but they thankfully the classic ones has returned as
well. There is a new type of pokemon called fairy: the gay sister of
physic that can nuke dragons and fighting, but is weak to posion and
steel. In a way, It dose look as the game needs balancing as fighting
and dragon type seem to be the weakest of this generation. I can see
that the type was made for the female demographic, but these days they
are more attracted to the tall, handsome, and dark-type pokemon...So
Nintendo and PKMN inc. are kinda missing the point.
the story is actually very nice....AND villains are actually more in
ture to the original gangsters, team rocket, as well as the casual James
bond villains. The story is actually much better, as it's about the
mistake of man and the hopes that history won't repeat itself again.
Kinda sad when you compare it to today's society as they are
money-hungry rich people who just want to stay rich. Sure, it's the
copy-and-paste story of pokemon, but that what the series is known fore.
If you want a different pokemon game, try the Gamecube series, as the
story-tone is much out-of-the-box experience that ones where hoping
Unfortunately, dispute the advertizing of the
Mega-Evolutions, only a few are selected, only two trainers you face
also uses them, and the stones are available post game, which is a
disappointment. I know they just figured out the technology, but when
you give us a solution of no real problems, then the solution becomes
the problem itself and thus becomes a paradox!
However, the new
online feature is nice: I get to see passer-byes who are also on the way
of training, Gyms, other breeder, people who want to trade and also
adds a new trade system called Wounder-trade, which trade a selected
random pokemon trade to get another random pokemon. The problem is one
can get garbage for garbage. Sometimes you're better off just releasing
the pokemon, but sometimes you do get the random good pokemon and
catching them all literately became easier. However, the problem is that
they are close yet far away. I guess you could get a chat-room, but you
would also attracted the UN-wanted brats that question your job as a
While the cartoon-y, cute graphics are nice, the 3D is
broken for a good reason: how big the game is--6000 blocks. Thats about
a normal computer game size, so when the 3D works well, it's nice, but
during some battles, it dose cause the lag. If Nintendo put a stronger
processor or even a cooling fan in their technology, this wouldn't have
happen. By god, I seen third party 3D games that ran better with the 3D
on. However, I think part of it was to sell the unwieldy 2DS, the system
made for handicapped people...
But as I said, this game is more
like Ruby and Sapphire series than HeartGold and SoulSilver, so this
game basically dose what is suppose to do: define how the pokemon series
was suppose to be...UNLIKE BLACK AND WHITE who was made just to take
your money just to feed their spoiled, fatten children. Pokemon X/Y is a
nice entry of the Pokemon series, which I like.
Sadly, Pokemon
probably won't last forever like their rival (...digimon -_-; bleh.)
because they made so many new pokemon and they'll probably make so much
they not even the company can hold those creatures up. It's best to
enjoy them before they implode on themselfs from either the pokemon they
made or their money. At least they'll go out in a blaze of glory
instead of wishing for death like the Simpsons or Family Guy which will
go out in a sad whisper. And at least I manage to write this review
before eventually passing out mentally because my asburgers hit the
writer's block...which is ironic because it what keeps me up at night!