Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Beastly Bash: Worst Games of 2016

To kick in to "This is the worst year" argument, there where games that came out this year that should be avoided at all cost.  To be clear, this list will be avoiding shovel-ware games like the TMNT: mutants in Manhattan because they are merely children games meant to cash-in on a franchise. Ironically, these games are just as bad if not far worst! These are the worst games of 2016!

No Man's Sky

As everyone states, this game is more like No Man's Lie. While this is from the same developers as Joe Danger, the point that the company used Bullshot, False Advertisement used to sell a particular medium such as misleading images or gameplay. While there's laws in the UK to prevent this from happening, the US Laws absorbed it as a way to help corporate pigs to get away from the law's reach on the fallacy of Just Cause. But putting the lies aside, this game is bland: No real differences within other games, no multiplayer, a crappy interface with a even worst inventory system, and worst of all, a terrible, lazy ending that starts the game all over again. Avoid at all cost, especially since the majority of players abandoned the game since launch. Kickstart that out the window.

Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps

Another cash grab attempt by capcom via third-party company as games like Blizzard's Over-Watch is killing the competition in the industry today. While games like Battle Born came too little too late, this game was out only to make money off the dead horse that is Resident Evil. Stupid AI zombies, broken mechanics,awful character creator, the worst DLC, bad controls, terribly translated by the development staff, and nothing but repetitive maps and missions. A cheap game from a cheap company. This game is easily forgettable and is complete garbage. It's a reason people leave before they're rewarded with the worst decals.

Battlefield 1 (Single Player)

This is yet another cash-grab, bland multiplayer shooter that is being advertised as a remake of the first battlefield game. The problem is that the game is just as painfully average to the point that it's a waste of money. This game is a major slap in the face to those who loved the original game, giving Call of Duty fans the scoff at the series. DICE has not made a fun game since Bad Company 1 and it is starting to show as EA proves that money comes first over everything else. Games like Wallenstein: The New Order and DOOM'16 did better innovations than shooters like this. This game is a mess in it's single player campaign. Better of making this game a multiplayer focused game for a fraction of a cost and separate from the single player campaign.  Hopefully, it wouldn't be evil as Star Wars: Battlefront, but it's highly doubted!

Paper Mario: Color Splash

Nintendo has lost focus on their RPGS because they are publishing too many from Fire Emblem to Mario and Luigi. The problem with this game is the humor is replaced with meta sarcasm. While fans can forgive them because of the graphics and the deadpooling, the gameplay is just as bad as Paper Mario: Sticker Star, hence why none-gamers call this game as Paper Mario: Sticker Star 2. They where better off porting The thousand Year door on the New 3DS instead of canceling it because of a mere leak. The gameplay is way too clunky, a problem most Jrpgs have addressed in the past. While they did fix the problem that battling isn't worth  it, the card battling system is absolutely garbage. Please save up for the Nintendo Switch....

Everything Digital Homicide

When a developer attacks everyone as a game company for making terrible games trying to sucker everyone within the industry, everyone knows to keep away from their games and tar-and-feather them to hell and back. From bribing gamers to review their games, attacking every review for pointing out how bad their games are, developing by other names to avoid getting into trouble, and censoring criticism on youtube and attacking the freedom of speech which everyone should have a taste for. Thankfully, of this year, the company has closed down their doors for good. However, the term "vote with your wallets" has never been true more than ever now. Be cautious, be safe.

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