Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Beastly Bash: Worst Games of 2016

To kick in to "This is the worst year" argument, there where games that came out this year that should be avoided at all cost.  To be clear, this list will be avoiding shovel-ware games like the TMNT: mutants in Manhattan because they are merely children games meant to cash-in on a franchise. Ironically, these games are just as bad if not far worst! These are the worst games of 2016!

No Man's Sky

As everyone states, this game is more like No Man's Lie. While this is from the same developers as Joe Danger, the point that the company used Bullshot, False Advertisement used to sell a particular medium such as misleading images or gameplay. While there's laws in the UK to prevent this from happening, the US Laws absorbed it as a way to help corporate pigs to get away from the law's reach on the fallacy of Just Cause. But putting the lies aside, this game is bland: No real differences within other games, no multiplayer, a crappy interface with a even worst inventory system, and worst of all, a terrible, lazy ending that starts the game all over again. Avoid at all cost, especially since the majority of players abandoned the game since launch. Kickstart that out the window.

Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps

Another cash grab attempt by capcom via third-party company as games like Blizzard's Over-Watch is killing the competition in the industry today. While games like Battle Born came too little too late, this game was out only to make money off the dead horse that is Resident Evil. Stupid AI zombies, broken mechanics,awful character creator, the worst DLC, bad controls, terribly translated by the development staff, and nothing but repetitive maps and missions. A cheap game from a cheap company. This game is easily forgettable and is complete garbage. It's a reason people leave before they're rewarded with the worst decals.

Battlefield 1 (Single Player)

This is yet another cash-grab, bland multiplayer shooter that is being advertised as a remake of the first battlefield game. The problem is that the game is just as painfully average to the point that it's a waste of money. This game is a major slap in the face to those who loved the original game, giving Call of Duty fans the scoff at the series. DICE has not made a fun game since Bad Company 1 and it is starting to show as EA proves that money comes first over everything else. Games like Wallenstein: The New Order and DOOM'16 did better innovations than shooters like this. This game is a mess in it's single player campaign. Better of making this game a multiplayer focused game for a fraction of a cost and separate from the single player campaign.  Hopefully, it wouldn't be evil as Star Wars: Battlefront, but it's highly doubted!

Paper Mario: Color Splash

Nintendo has lost focus on their RPGS because they are publishing too many from Fire Emblem to Mario and Luigi. The problem with this game is the humor is replaced with meta sarcasm. While fans can forgive them because of the graphics and the deadpooling, the gameplay is just as bad as Paper Mario: Sticker Star, hence why none-gamers call this game as Paper Mario: Sticker Star 2. They where better off porting The thousand Year door on the New 3DS instead of canceling it because of a mere leak. The gameplay is way too clunky, a problem most Jrpgs have addressed in the past. While they did fix the problem that battling isn't worth  it, the card battling system is absolutely garbage. Please save up for the Nintendo Switch....

Everything Digital Homicide

When a developer attacks everyone as a game company for making terrible games trying to sucker everyone within the industry, everyone knows to keep away from their games and tar-and-feather them to hell and back. From bribing gamers to review their games, attacking every review for pointing out how bad their games are, developing by other names to avoid getting into trouble, and censoring criticism on youtube and attacking the freedom of speech which everyone should have a taste for. Thankfully, of this year, the company has closed down their doors for good. However, the term "vote with your wallets" has never been true more than ever now. Be cautious, be safe.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Beastly Bash: Nintendo Switch; how it could fail, but what can be done!

Big Disclaimer: This is merely speculations of the Nintendo Switch, formerly known as the NX. The facts on the system are subject to change within the development of the system and this is merely an opinion piece, meaning anything goes but things are most likely to change depending on how Nintendo and company handles the situation. Thank you for reading.

Nintendo has finally released the first-look at their newest system the Nintendo Switch, a Tablet hybrid of a portable game system  with that or a home counsel. In theory, this is a great idea and what the Wii U SHOULD have been. By partnering up with Nvidia's shield developers, Nintendo was able to make  a powerful system that is able to run most game engines including Unity. The shield didn't sell well because it requires to stream games and game streaming fails because of sync issues, so having a portable tablet that takes carts would have been a better idea.

However, Nintendo had problems in the past with advertizing and relations, causing them to falter within the gaming industry. From cheap networking to third-parties being shunned by Nintendo. And after not so long since the reveal, there's already a major backlash towards the new system at question that needs to be addressed to nintendo. Here's some of the major concerns about the council and perhaps  some ways for Nintendo to fix it down the line.

Nintendo Network

Let's face it, Nintendo fails at networking. From disconnections in Splatoon to their attempts to making the gamecube an online gaming attempt as well as a 3D counsel in the past.  While this is a minor complaint, Nintendo is missing out with games multiplayer since everyone these days are distant from themselves, a reason Online games with social features are a must in these times. Nintendo has released Miitomo as a social way to get their fans to meet other oddballs. Hopefully, Nintendo will fin a way to take advantage and use their earning to improve their network system. Maybe a HD remaster of PSO1. Please?

Third-Party Abandonment

Nintendo tends to make friends as much as a lone wolf company usually make friends and leaving them in a bloody mess. Even with most of the supporters and more that the released list from Konami, Activision, and Capcom who know how to piss their fan bases off. While there are Third-Party support for the system, there was a similar support as the one promised for the Wii U and the third-party didn't even touch it with a thirty foot pole. In fact, there's word of a backlash within certain companies because they lost faith in Nintendo's innovation in hardware. If Nintendo doesn't follow up with building up Public Relations with the third-parties, it could happen again and Nintendo would suffer for it.

System Size

Remember when the Nintendo 3DS first released? It was rather tiny because it was first designed for the Japanese and Asian demographic, which have tiny fingers. Judging from the reveal trailer, the switch tablet is close to the size of an Samsung phone. Most would think it's for children, but we all know they tend to smash those things more times and as often and it's being advertised towards adults. It's not known as how heavy the counsel is, but it should be light from the looks of things. While they COULD use the screen for Virtual Reality, Or VR for short, big handed people would find the controler painful to use. Releasing an Nintendo Switch XL or American version would probably fix that issue, but that would also increase the price and weight causing more problems. This is a system that really needs a protective case.

Battery Life

Battery life can either make or break a portable system, as many other tablets can last from three to twelve hours. From the rumors from reliable sources, the battery life is only up to three hours, as the same annoying levels of the Wii U gamepad. This issue can KILL the system on a portable level, something Nintendo is known for since the invention of the Nintendo Gameboy and the pokemon series. While the battery life can be fixed with third-party hardware, that would however clash with the dock Nintendo made. While a proper case with built-in batteries extend the controller, it has to have good batteries to sell!


It is true that Nintendo innovated the fusion, but the fact that everyone predicted this would happen means everyone will follow suit and make knock-off. However, it's not these fools Nintendo will have to worry about. It's the companies like Microsoft and Sony that will try to follow up on the idea like they did with motion controls and now with VR. While first party games will keep the fans at bay, the third-party developers are more likely to make games for the competition more over because they have a deeper history with them because of multiplayer, graphics, and mostly the money they made from the different counsel developers. Microsoft has the capabilities and the power to fallow behind with their own line of tablets as they made during Windows 8's lifespan. While they have failed as well as their phones, they can make a recovery just like the Android line of phones.

In the end, the Nintendo Switch is one thing that might make or break Nintendo's success after the failure of the Wii U because of Nintendo's mismanagement of the system. There is still hope for the system to be successful if Nintendo advertise the features better. There are speculations that Nintendo will port most of their Wii U titles thanks to digital distribution, but it's confirmed that the Nintendo Switch is not backward compatible. More likely it will be an enhanced ports like EVERYONE is doing for the next gen consoles. It's hard to speculate when the only words are those of rumors and speculations, but when your company can't contain the leaks that are mostly accurate, Nintendo needs to release the info via more Nintendo directs, otherwise, Mario himself can't even clean up this mess...

Monday, October 3, 2016

Beastly Bash: Disappointing games of 2016!

Wow, this year has been the worst for everything from gaming as steam greenlight publishes tons of shovelware from garbage developers to death killing good stars from their depression, cancer, or what not. For most of us, it was the failed or false promises that these developers delivered on. These are the  disappointing games of 2016! Note that shovelware games are excluded because that would be a waste of everyone's time.

5 - Mighty Number 9

This is on the bottom as I knew it would be a waste of four million dollars. "Better than nothing" was the biggest understatement of how bad business can go within the gaming industry. Graphic that look like something made on a playstation 2 muddy graphics, forgettable music, and overall mediocre experience. This is one of the games that caused doubt with kickstarter games, as many other fear that the same thing could happen to other developers. When DUSK did better and with a quarter of the budget, one knows something is wrong. While there are worst games out there, wait for it to go on sale to look at it and DON'T GET IT AT G2A! So many fools have to pay for that legal mistake...

4 - Project Scissors: Nightcry 

This is one game that was under the radar since it's kick-starter has managed to reach it's goal for around three hundred thousand dollars, but from the look of things, should have been left in the oven for at least one more year. Since it's from the original developer and his company Nude Maker (Ew, I know) to make this game, it feels like they reuse models from their past porn games. Don't ask, it just looks that way as the first playable character. At least the first person to die is reboot Dante? Honestly, if the mechanics were tweaked, its camera angles where like Clock Tower First Fear, a better chapter mechanic, and a better save system, it would have been a great horror game. At least it has cheese?

3 - Street Fighter 5

Capcom, we know how painful developing a game could be at times, but it doesn't excuse leaving the fanbase starving for more content and feeding them like a neglected pet forgotten by their owner. While Capcom did release fighters for free to earn with fight money, the game itself was more of an early access by a Triple-A developer. While big game companies did this before (we're looking at you Warner Brothers!) and could have been worst, other fighting game players have to go to other games like the latest King of Fighters 14 on the Playstation 4 to get their fix. It would feel better if they managed to actually complete making their game before releasing it.  Sadly, it was released in it's unfinished launch. Now to go for a burger...Wait a minute. 

2 - Star Fox Zero 

Nintendo has no idea what to give to their fans anymore. While they're busy making the N-X, their fusion of home and portable gaming system, they shoved their forced gemic on platinum games like Nickelodeon forced them to make shovelware games. No spit that the controls is what killed the game to most critics. It's a reason third-parties didn't support your system. That's why Microsoft and Sony abandoned  their motion control because they knew it wouldn't last long. Should have focused on 3D that's a step-up from the 3DS. A 3D headset that could have thrown the Oculus Rift out into the used electronics section of a Goodwill store. Thats where I found mine for my review. I also found an old PS1 and Xbox original. Seriously! 

1 - Duex Ex: Mankind Divided

Mankind is divided alright: The game is literally broken up so that Square-Eniq having a sequel, this game has mixed reviews on the PC port, Man and Augments are fighting even though they have no reason but that of the same plot of X-men without the linking plot threads, no real punishment system in place for both lethal and none, and an ending that was somehow worse than Human Revolution that leaves more questions than answers! While they did improve the gameplay, it's to the point that it makes the game too easy like a overprotective parent bribing the kid to lose in a fist fight only to find out he was really weak after all.