Monday, September 26, 2016

Beastly Byte: Another Metroid 2 Remake; Advanced Remake

Let's face it, since Metroid: Other M has jumped the shark since Nintendo doesn't not know what the fans want anymore by making Samus an utter daf. Meanwhile, many game devs like Kojima have to make games on their own or bailed gaming on their own to prevent the curse of Peter Molyneux to where everything they made after their best hit turns into cancer. While there are fan games made from time-to-time, especially Phyco-Waluigi, tons of Earthbound Hacks, and the flood of Sonic games, fan remakes are often a risky thing since afterward Nintendo took the game down. However, what hits the internet usually stays on the internet; no way to hide you shame!

However, has the game advanced much from being remade to the PC?



+  As a remake, it blows the original out of the water
+  Added plot from the lore that fits into the cannon
+  Game soundtrack influenced by the Metroid Prime series; Huge plus!
+  Save Stations now heal and refuel; no need to travel to the old healing/reloading locations
+  Game map re-haul
      + Shows Metroids currently need to hunt; can switch back to classic anytime
      + More hidden goodies while old short-cuts still exist
      + Designs based of the game-boy advance games
      + Map Blimps showing where collectibles are, making completing the game fun and easy
+  Power-ups from past metroid games are back and serve a function of the game
+  Built on either exploring or speed running; A Metroid tradition
+ The story such as Creature log and back-story is on the side and is not intrusive
+   Game-flow for the story is straight-forward even for  main upgrades


-  Not a good starting point for newcomers for the series!
-  The game can be brutal even after the patching to 1.1
-  The Omega Metroids are health sponges; even if one fallows a pattern, they take time to take down
-   Steep difficulty curve at the near end of the game
-   Slows down because of the mentioned difficulty curves

Grade: A 

While this game dose have issues for newcomers to the Metroid series, this is a great game for those who skipped the original game. This game has even beat the original to many critics and fans alike, which is why Nintendo has order a claims take-down since the company tries to sell the dated original on the virtual counsels. While fan games are technically illegal, it did help many project makers into game developers themselves like Christian Whitehead and other modders from games like Fallout and Elder Scrolls. this shows that there is a place in the market for remakes and mods to prove to show off the creativity of one's heart and or mind. 

Sadly, the purpose of corporate companies is to make money. Many companies, while they do allow mod support, are more likely to be in to gain profit for power sake. Which is why many critics fear gaming might become soulless.  With games that are coming out half-baked in early-access, failed kick-starters,  broken promises and lies, it's no wounder people have been carefully voting with their wallets more than ever now. With game developers fan-ficking to catch their audience, we can only hope gaming would grow-up...and only time can tell.

Thank you and pleasant dreams.... 

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Beastly Bash: Samsung Oculus; A taste of 3D

Ever since the 90's, many game devs have been fighting and backstabbing just to be the first one in the market from those 3d glasses for the PC to the Nintendo 3DS when Nintendo stole the blueprints from Sony, sad to say. With the Oculus, while people did back this project on kickstarter, it was seen as betrayal when Google came in and bought the invention from the developer. While this isn't new when you consider the PlayStation brand was suppose to be a deal brand between Nintendo and Sony. So could 3DVR be the next big thing?

While this is a spin-off protect of the real product, it is just a(n) accurate as the main product itself. However, there is the problem with the product already as exclusives and DRM (Digital Rights Movement.) While there's ways around this via mods and work-around, most programs are locked in and out thanks because of the limits caused by the Oculus store. While they are now lifting off the DRM slowly from the hardware, it still burned their core audience to not trust the management of the Oculus store. 

However, dose the 3D work? Yes, but to a certain point. The major flaw of the hardware is it's limited by the limitations of the phone and whether or not the person is comfortable with goggle-scope used for the 3D. What made the 3DS successful was it was 3D without the motion sickness known in most 3D Technology in past hardware.

Sadly, if one plays a face-paced game, for example, this would cause the worst-case motion sickness for those who want to be amerced in games like Minecraft or classic games like Original Doom. For more relaxed or paced games from puzzles and simulation games, this is fine as there's little or no movement, but that defeats the original purpose of 3D immersion. While there is some plausibility of playiblity, it's also limited by phone cool-down time --Literately!

Basically, the Samsung phone heats up if it's used for too long because the apps over-heat the graphics in the phone. While graphics are the least worried part of the experience of 3D, especially games like Doom and Doom II, it's yet another crappy limit people have to deal with, or better yet, get the HTC vive.

As stated, this is merely a small taste of 3D gaming that can be bitter-sweet to those who wanted to be swept away by such innovation. While it was a step in the right direction, other hardware like the Nintendo 3DS did it much more comfortably. The straps are tight to prevent slippage, but are more akin for kids than most adults meaning its open to third-party pandering for more hardware parts. It's a literal headache waiting to happen as well as the eyesore!  

Could it be used on the PC with the current apps? Maybe, but it will take some time as the current apps are still currently being worked on. But by the time when they get it working, the player base is better off for third-party hardware like the HTC Vive as that was built as a pediment system instead of temporary solution, but you're better off with other, better solutions.

Wait it out...