Just to prepare for Fallout 4, I replayed Fallout 3 though Fallout: a tale of two wastelands as the original game did not age well as the RPG elements, game crashes, game bugs that crashes the game or run, and out-dated mechanics. Thankfully, mods help extended the life of old games and adds more replay value. However, the system is still dated, meaning even modded the game still crashes occasionally as the games where made on a buggy engine.
The player stars as the vault dweller who was frozen in time just as the nukes landed just outside his home. He (or she, even tho the male is heavily advertised at the start of the game) wakes up two hundred years to a war-scared Boston harbor, which is now over-ran with raider, super mutants, and new enemies know as the synths, A cyborg race inspired by modern Science fiction novels. The player must find their lost child, as Shawn was kidnapped by the institute while murdering your better half! Oh, it's on!
Game-play wise, it's basically fallout next-gen as it was intended, but more streamlined so the shooting mechanics and SPECIAL attributes. I personally welcome the change, as it doesn't require the annoying number system while it prevents players to become over-powered early on. For example, in Fallout 3, I was able to be over-powered as stealth was broken as balls as the perks and the stealth-suits and Stealth-boys kill the difficulty of the game. While the Stealth-boy might return later as DLC, stealth-boys have been nerfed to the point that the player use them just to escape. However, skills like Gun-nut and Science have been boosted as they can be used to make adjustments to your weapons in crafting, making silencers to your shotgun to even using the skills to make your settlements.
Oh right, the settlements! When you start the game, you meet The Minute Men, the small army of the game. The players can optionally make settlements that has benefits such as running shops, farming food for those with iron stomachs, providing shelters and giving them jobs, and recruit settlements to join The Minute Men. While it is tatted on to the game, it dose help give experience bonus while it dose seem like a time-sink. They also provide reoccurring missions that can help level your characters, but that tends to lead to tedious grinding and you're better off doing other side quest, even though they can give you weapons on the side.
While on the field, the players can also face special enemies from rad-roaches to raiders that can drop a special weapon or special armor pieces that the player can mod later. However, they can be very annoying as they tend to mutate, a way to pad out a simple fight and making them into boss characters. Be prepared with at least one heavy weapon, as they tend to appear when you least expect it. Seems luck was heavily boosted in this game, as having your luck on one makes it challenging. Just beware the death-claws, as they're still the deadliest in the series!
However, while I personally didn't mind the changes, there are some flaws with this game that can break the experience. For one, they gutted the karma system for a like and dislike system with the fractions system. And yes, the Brotherhood is back but it's not the one from fallout 3 but instead from New Vegas. Which begs the question, where has all the cowboys gone? It differently reestablish the gray of war where no one is truly evil, but not everyone is good, but to those it means being evil is pointless. I don't mind as I'm not entirely a genocide player, especially since Under-Tale shows how scary that is! This game dose the "more is less" approach, which can either improve or hinder a game. Oh, and it doesn't shag-shame you for sleeping with everyone and takes the Saints Row 4 approach. Post-Apocalypse anyways.
Another problem that the conversation has been dubbed down thanks to the voice acting, which is another hit-or-miss problem with the game. Only four conversation choices which no matter which you choose doesn't really matter and lays no real impact. Sure, speech dose help getting more info or at least give you an alternative option, but there needs to be more. It also doesn't help that your partner's AI can be terrible for stealth gameplay, block doorways and hallways, and tend to get you shot more than often. Thankfully, there's perk for that called Lone Wanderer that boost the player while they're alone.
If this isn't the game for the players that are in mind, I would recommend getting Wasteland 2, as it is based off the original Fallout series, but if one want a first-person shooter that is fun, this is one's game. This game might be literately be Skyrim with guns, this game is at least better optimized than the previous games before it. It's more next-gen fallout, just better streamlined and miles-may-vary type of game. Try it before you bye, and if liked, get it and finish it. Otherwise, Wasteland 2!
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