Saturday, November 26, 2016

Beastly Bash: Best Games of 2016

Now before we begin, this is MY list of games that are the best of this year but not everyone's choice. While there are games like the Jackbox party pack which are very fun to play, these games are released on a yearly basis and will not count on this list as these are just continuations of a game franchise and has little changes between releases. These are (my) games of 2016!

Doom ('16)

While the developers had no real faith of this game's launch as they are no longer giving review codes, this game ended up being surprisingly good once everything is optimized. This game is like if Original Doom had a beautiful daughter and she has the similar attributes while bringing something new on the table. The multiplayer might have been basic, as the developers for that part of the game was made from the developers of the newer Halo games, but the real meat is in the single player campaign. Lots of hidden goodies, tributes to the orignal series,  upgradables that are not over-kill like most power-fantasies like most shooters, and the Brutal Doom influenced brutal kills that benefits the players as the monsters drop health and Ammo. this game is constantly on sale on steam and is updated constantly, making it a must-get game!

Pokemon Sun/Moon

Pokemon has been a franchise that has lasted for over twenty years and I have been playing this game since I was only ten years old. Many critics have complained that the game generations stayed mostly the same, I personally feared that this generation would have disappointing as Black and White as the changes to me weren't a welcomed one . Thankfully, I was wrong as most changes do benefit not only your Pokemon in your party, but the ones in the bank as Poke-Pelago, which banked pokemon can help from growing beans, Berries, finding stones, and much more. The Poke Refresh can heal status element than the former element in X and Y, helping friendship evolutions more than ever. The only disappointment is that it leaves the player wishing for more. Hopefully, there will be a SWITCH on what's to come.

Dishonor 2

This is how one would make a sequel to a great game, as this time you play as Corvo and the new elected Queen Emily with their own special abilities; So much replay value off-the-bat!  While this game is not perfect, it's more than makes up for it with it's gameplay. The challenge is just as challenging and more as the player can turn powers off to punish themselves and limit their powers to the maximum! It dose suffer from the mechanics in the past like collecting and completing the game is such a harsh task, but it's mostly optional as the players can still get the chaos and none ending...but sadly, it's not as important as the last game as the endings are tacked on and haven't evolved from the last game. Overall however, it's how a sequel should be made.

Watch_Dogs 2

Let's face it: Watch_Dogs 1 was a major disappointment as it was bullshotted, badly ported to the PC, and felt like a slap in the face as it was a bad Grand Theft Auto clone. Thankfully, Ubi tweaked everything including the PC port for the sequel  and it's instead a Saints Row 2 clone, as despite the flaws of each character as being hipster douchebags, they are lovable because they are hacking to take down a white collar criminal who looks like an evil, thinner version of The Completionist. The only disappointing thing is that the combat and driving mechanics are terrible within the game, making stealth an unintentional best and fun part of the game. I know Ubi didn't want to steal from games like True Crime New York City or Dishonor which changes the story from your playstyle, this would have been higher on my list if they did so.

Darkest Dungeon 

Finally, this game is fully released and just as dank, dark, and fun roguelike game in some time. The player hire mercenaries to help fight the creatures of the night as new mercenaries rise and  some fall not only to death but their own vices if they are not well managed well within the village. The monster designs are fantastic in their ugly ways, each mercenary has their strengths and form attributes that can either help or hurt the party along the way, The best part is the narrator, as it fits the tone of the game and a major plot-twist that won't be spoiled for those who has not finished this game. Those who paid for early alpha and their kickstarter where not disappointed!